Add alert rule option to invert devices and groups "map to" list


I have implemented a feature to add alert rule option to invert devices and groups “map to” list (see capture below).

Tested OK on my side. I need some other tests.

To test:

cd /opt/librenms/
scripts/github-apply 10954
php artisan migrate

After setting some alert rules with “match devices and group list” and “all devices except in list” on. You can test that the alert rule is not in the alert rule list of the devices you have selected in "match devices and group list.

./poller.php -h DEVICE_ID -m ports

Output ;

Start Alerts

Rule [#3]( (XXX)): Status: NOCHG
Rule [#6]( (XXXX): Status: NOCHG
Rule [#9]( (Service up/down ): Status: NOCHG

To revert:

php artisan migrate:rollback --step=1
scripts/github-remove -d

Current implementation :

Add this option :