Add OID to existing OS

Added below to the OS YAML file and did a rediscover.

oid: genEquipRadioMRMCCurrTxQAM
value: genEquipRadioMRMCCurrTxQAM
num_oid: .{{ $index }}
descr: The current TX QAM level
index: genEquipRadioMRMCCurrTxQAM.{{ $index }}
oid: genEquipRadioMRMCCurrRxQAM
value: genEquipRadioMRMCCurrRxQAM
num_oid: .{{ $index }}
descr: The current RX QAM level
index: genEquipRadioMRMCCurrRxQAM.{{ $index }}

Sorry one last thing before I do a Pull Request.
In the interest of keeping it clean, is there a way to move it from “Health” to “Wireless” and change the name from “Count” to “QAM”?

Not using the YAML file for ‘simple’ discovery. You would need to follow this doc :
Not at all the same logic, and coding is mandatory here.

That being said, concerning your current YAML, I have a remark :

num_oid: .{{ $index }}
descr: The current TX QAM level

The description is “fixed” which means that if the device reports multiple QAM levels for multiple interfaces, they will all share the same description. Usually, an OID has the interface name (or entity) associated with $index, and you use this to create dynamically the descr. If none are available, at least you add $index to the description, so they get a different number appended.

Thanks again for your help!

@Derova - Did this work ever get submitted as a PR? We have a bunch of Ceragon we are looking to monitor too.

Hi djh00t,

No sorry it wasn’t submitted as a PR.
Are you wanting to be able to monitor the same QAM values per the original post?

Certainly are! Overall Ceraos coverage isn’t great right now, we’re looking at spending some time on it but don’t want to reinvent the wheel.