Not a usage issue, rather pulling my hair out trying to add appropriate code to detect dd-wrt and openwrt. Is there any documentation on the discovery and polling process, and what files to update / add? And it seems that the distro app / function has pretty much gone away … right? Again, just trying to wrap my head around it (as I’m close, but the detected OS keeps changing on me).
OK, thanks! I didn’t see distro in the docs any more (or perhaps I missed it).
I am having “fun” with dd-wrt, as it seems the custom OID that is used with distro is not working (exec being deprecated, moving to extend). Hmmm - is the custom OID captured anywhere? It does mean a particular (special) snmp command (adding in the OID), correct?
And is there any info capturing the discovery and polling process?
BTW, I think part of my issue is that dd-wrt seems to have removed / reduced exec support => cannot seem to get the distro info at OID . Rather, I have to use extend, and the result is then at OID . => is there a way to have LibreNMS look at this “new” OID instead?
Starting to make more sense, getting it all working - thanks! One thing … where are the needed / possible variables defined or captured? For example … $version, $hardware, etc.