Just bringing this up again, I’m trying to fix the “generic_multi_bits_separated.inc.php”, but if some one can also confirm they also see the same issues;
I believe this is the bad data in the aggregate graph view with noagg=0 and nototal=0;
Problem 1:
Per-line aggregate Total figures can be corrected if divided by 8 (this looks to be because “generic_multi_bits_separated.inc.php” is multiplying to get Bytes, but for some reason is also double multiplying the totals?)
Problem 2:
MAX peaks are not preserved in the aggregate view, and are more obvious in a Year/Two year view, in comparison to a Single graph Year/Two year view.
Aggregate Maximum must be using AVERAGE instead of MAX. MAX is never fetched in the DEF. I believe MAX should be fetched to preserve peak traffic like it does in “generic_data.inc.php”.