BGP peering issue/duplicate peers

I’m noticing a issue with BGP monitoring and Huawei switches.
LibreNMS keeps adding duplicates of the same peerings …
We have around 40 real peerings in the switches but LibreNMS reports that we have over 1000 peerings…

This started with the newest version of LibreNMS


Component Version
LibreNMS 22.8.0-102-gfd6fdeeb5
DB Schema 2022_09_03_091314_update_ports_adsl_table_with_defaults (246)
PHP 8.1.10
Python 3.9.7
Database MariaDB 10.5.16-MariaDB
RRDTool 1.7.0
SNMP 5.8

[OK] Composer Version: 2.4.2
[OK] Dependencies up-to-date.
[OK] Database connection successful
[OK] Database Schema is current
[OK] SQL Server meets minimum requirements
[OK] lower_case_table_names is enabled
[OK] MySQL engine is optimal
[OK] Database schema correct
[OK] MySQl and PHP time match
[OK] Active pollers found
[OK] Dispatcher Service not detected
[OK] Locks are functional
[OK] Python poller wrapper is polling
[WARN] Using database for locking, you should set CACHE_DRIVER=redis
[OK] rrdtool version ok
[OK] Connected to rrdcached

And an update on this…
I noticed that while running discovery I get an error like this:

Load disco module bgp-peers

SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number (SQL: SELECT COUNT() from bgpPeers WHERE device_id = 900 AND bgpPeerIdentifier = AND vrf_id IS NU LL ) (SQL: SELECT COUNT() from bgpPeers WHERE device_id = 900 AND bgpPeerIden tifier = AND vrf_id IS NULL )#0 /opt/librenms/includes/discove ry/bgp-peers/ dbFetchCell()
#1 /opt/librenms/includes/discovery/ include(’…’)
#2 /opt/librenms/includes/discovery/ include(’…’)
#3 /opt/librenms/discovery.php(118): discover_device()
#4 {main}

At least part of this issue is now corrected in master. Let us know if this fixes the issue for you

A new PR is now out to fix once and for all the duplicates in VRP. Please test and give us any feedback.



Hi Pipo! The fix its working flawless, Thank you very much!


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