I have added linux machine in librenms and configured check_mk which is giving me output.
When i query processes table i get the list of processes running on that machine but is it possible to get the ps -eFL output using check_mk as i wanted to put some alerts with regards to total no of processes
ps -eFL |wc -l
ps -ef | wc -l
@dhsharma112 You bet. Just edit the check_mk_agent bash script and change the line that calls the command you want to change. FWIW, the version that ships with LibreNMS is a bit old, you might want to check the mk website for more details on all the stuff you can do with that software.
Hi @spencerbutler
Thanks for your valuable input.
Will explore the options.
Hi @spencerbutler,
I upgraded the check_mk_agent file version from LibreNMS provided check_mk_agent version(Version: 1.2.6b5)
[root@oss]# check_mk_agent | head
Version: 1.5.0p13
AgentOS: linux
After doing the change,process tab in the LibreNMS disappeared.I have reverted back the original file and monitoring has resumed.
Are some other changed required in tandem for updated file to work.
At the same time not much change in process command in the Updated check_mk_agent,but could see new functionalities.
ps ax -o user:32,vsz,rss,cputime,etime,pid,command --columns 10000 | sed -e 1d -e ‘s/ ([^ ]) ([^ ]) ([^ ]) ([^ ]) ([^ ]) ([^ ]) */(\1,\2,\3,\4/\5,\6) /’
So will try to see if can edit the process command to get output similar to ps -eFL but again concerned as whether schema of LibreNMS will update as well,so that i can put alert on the thread/processes table using sql.
@dhsharma112 If you wind up getting it to work with and updated script, you should put in a PR to get it included. I’ve been meaning to look at this code for a while, so maybe progress will be made.