Cisco CL9800 Wireless Controller support

@ads76, I upgraded the WLC yesterday to v17.9.5 and made the adjustments as @AllanHahn suggested.

On the Cisco Feature Navigator, I chose the latest release that was available there for the MIBs and downloaded the V2 versions.

After that ran the discovery again and waited a few minutes for the charts getting filled and presto, works like a charm!

For the MIBs, how can I share them here? or are they updated another way in LibreNMS?

Would you be ready to open a PullRequest with your changes so we can review and merge this into LibreNMS ?

Hello @CircumFlex_sigma
Process would be :

  • @AllanHahn opens a PR with his changes
  • Test Data is collected and added to the PR
  • Anybody else can interact and add his contribution if necessary
  • PR is reviewed
  • PR is merged

The over: definitions graph: device_wireless* in includes/definitions/iosxe.yaml are problematic since they will be shown on any iosxe device, looks kinda silly seeing empty wireless graphs on your non wireless devices.

Yes! I noticed this after the manual changes; don’t know what the solution would be for only wireless graphs for wireless devices

ah ok; will wait for @AllanHahn for opening the PR.

AllanHahn hasn’t been online in months, i expect he wont be returning to do the PR

Do you know how to overcome this? that only the wireless devices are shown with graphs ?

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I have 17.12.4, but my libre is running in a docker , so not sure how I would go about doing some changes to it without it just getting overwritten next update…

I think anybody can submit the PR. So @CircumFlex_sigma, @Speechy, feel free to do so, and we’ll continue the discussion in the PR

No mecanism yet in LibreNMS to acheive that. So the only current option is to create a new OS (distinct from IOSXE). Unfortunately, IOSXE indeed supports Wireless (a few switches can do it aside of CL9800 of course) so unless a proper patch in LibreNMS is made to handle this situation, you’ll have to live with it.

Hi All, this is to inform everyone that I will create PR for this.

Not an expert coder so I can’t clean much of the existing IOSXE template.

I will add a new IOSXE WLC OS template, to have the wireless graphs for the Cisco WLC 9800s, and its a ‘wireless’ type.

So far I’m testing with IOSXE 17.9.5 C9800 and IOS-XE 17.9.5 C9300 in preparation for the PR

Giving credit to @AllanHahn. My next update will be If I submit a PR



Not sure if this applies to this topic or not, I upgraded 2 x 9800-40 controllers from 17.9.4a → 17.9.5 last night, now my librenms is complaining it can not poll either of the controllers. I do have another controller running 17.12.3 with no issues.

I verified that snmp info is correct and ip information is correct.

Could it be a mib issue?

do i need to delete the controller from librenms and then re-add it?


Thanks in advance.


Im running 17.9.5 without issue, even after doing a major upgrade to it so i doubt its the MIB being the issue.

Operating System: Cisco IOS-XE C9800-CL-K9_IOSXE 17.9.5 (Cupertino)

What does the messages say when you capture a discovery? Also maybe worth removing the device and re-adding it?


Thanks for the reply. I did the remove and then re-add, no dice,

Feels like its its getting hung when its hits a certain OID or something within the poll.

Next step , when time permits, i will run a discovery from the CLI.


New to LibreNMS and I’ve got a WLC 9800-40 running 17.9.5. It appears to be working correctly in LNMS so thanks for the work on this. I did notice some odd behavior regarding AP display:

If I use the Main Menu Wireless > APs option I only get a summary, but there is a search and pagination buttons.

However when I goto Device > Access Points it lists all the APs with no pagination or search. It also lists each radio per AP so this page takes forever to load with my 1200 APs (x3 each). It would be nice if pagination and search options were avialable here to save server load.


Have a look at: Pagination for access points by slalomsk8er · Pull Request #16391 · librenms/librenms · GitHub

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Thanks for the link. I should have searched first!

I tested this PR and it does work to paginate which saves issues loading a full AP list. However, as I noted on github it still could use search functionality (or make the master searchbox also search AP list?) an some easier navigation options.