So I tried using Jaris Schaefer’s docker as well. Same problem. However I did have a problem with his docker that nginix started up trying to bind to an ipv6 which I don’t have configured on this host or container.
So I’m guessing that might be the problem here.
Reading this, it looks like there was an issue with fping…
opened 05:09AM - 12 Jul 17 UTC
closed 06:05AM - 29 Jul 18 UTC
Hi there,
I was just curious if fping is working as intended when ipv6 is dis… abled on a box?
I get some very strange behaviour:
% fping -4
(null): can't create raw socket (must run as root?) : Address family not supported by protocol
% sudo fping -4
(null): can't create raw socket (must run as root?) : Address family not supported by protocol
% ls -al /usr/bin/fping
-r-sr-xr-x 1 root root 47796 Apr 29 03:28 /usr/bin/fping
% pacman -Qs fping
local/fping 4.0-1
A utility to ping multiple hosts at once
% fping -h
(null): can't create raw socket (must run as root?) : Address family not supported by protocol
% sudo fping -h
(null): can't create raw socket (must run as root?) : Address family not supported by protocol
I can't even print the help page.
This is on Arch Linux ARM and is built with the options contained in this PKGBUILD:
Any thoughts?