Customize Script base graph for traffic monitoring like in cacti


is there any option to integrate custom script to generate graph base on OID to monitor up/down traffic of users like in CACTI.



To be honest, Im not sure what you mean so lets start again:

What do you need?

is there any way to add my own script for traffic monitoring/graphing… base on OID.

we are using cacti for this… so wanNa replace them with time series database …


i know Cacti as well,
have you tried Custom OID feature in LibreNMS for it?

Thanx for the info,

however is there any option to integrate self written script for monitoring/graphing.


Custom OID maybe.
But even Custom OID are slightly against the concept of LibreNMS.
It’s concept is to have everything integrated so after a discovery the device(s) are recognized and all graph’s and data are well shown and positioned.
So a device only once has to be integrated and nobody has to write code/plugin for the device again.
If you’ve got a Device which have is not in now, community will be appreciate if you would do it for you and others.

The proper way would be to create an “Application” script. You can look at existing ones and create yours :