DB problem

Hi ,

I have many librenms installations in my corp. Latest installation gives DB schema errors.
When you face with new librenms installation there is a problem with db schema, I couldn’t fix.

after clean install
> 1. try to populate db by daily.sh, DB schema comes to 0 and lots of table errors occurs

/usr/local/www/librenms]$ ./daily.sh
Updating to latest codebase OK
Updating SQL-Schema OK
Updating submodules OK
Cleaning up DB OK
Fetching notifications OK
Caching PeeringDB data OK

/usr/local/www/librenms]$ ./validate.php

Component Version
LibreNMS f8aadf227b25ff4436859d19062d234ed9134767
**DB Schema 0**
PHP 5.6.30
MySQL 5.6.36-log
RRDTool 1.6.0


[OK] Database connection successful
[FAIL] Database: incorrect column (applications/timestamp)
[FAIL] Database: missing table (bgpPeers)
[FAIL] Database: missing table (bgpPeers_cbgp)
[FAIL] Database: missing table (ciscoASA)
[FAIL] Database: missing table (dbSchema)
[FAIL] Database: missing table (devices)
[FAIL] Database: extra index (devices_attribs/device_id_2)
[FAIL] Database: extra index (devices_attribs/device_id_3)
[FAIL] Database: extra index (device_graphs/device_id_2)
[FAIL] Database: extra index (device_graphs/device_id_3)
[FAIL] Database: missing table (device_group_device)
[FAIL] Database: incorrect column (device_mibs/last_modified)
[FAIL] Database: incorrect column (device_oids/last_modified)
[FAIL] Database: extra index (device_perf/device_id_2)
[FAIL] Database: extra index (device_perf/device_id_3)
[FAIL] Database: missing table (entPhysical)
[FAIL] Database: missing table (entPhysical_state)
[FAIL] Database: extra index (eventlog/device_id_2)
[FAIL] Database: extra index (eventlog/device_id_3)
[FAIL] Database: missing table (hrDevice)
[FAIL] Database: extra index (ipv4_mac/port_id_2)
[FAIL] Database: extra index (ipv4_mac/mac_address_2)
[FAIL] Database: extra index (ipv4_mac/port_id_3)
[FAIL] Database: extra index (ipv4_mac/mac_address_3)
[FAIL] Database: missing table (juniAtmVp)
[FAIL] Database: extra index (links/local_device_id_2)
[FAIL] Database: extra index (links/local_device_id_3)
[FAIL] Database: extra index (loadbalancer_vservers/device_id_2)
[FAIL] Database: extra index (loadbalancer_vservers/device_id_3)
[FAIL] Database: missing table (mac_accounting)
[FAIL] Database: incorrect column (mibdefs/last_modified)
[FAIL] Database: missing table (processors)
[FAIL] Database: extra index (session/session_value_2)
[FAIL] Database: extra index (session/session_value_3)
[FAIL] Database: incorrect column (state_translations/state_lastupdated)
[FAIL] Database: missing table (storage)
[FAIL] Database: extra index (syslog/program_2)
[FAIL] Database: extra index (syslog/program_3)
[FAIL] Database: extra index (ucd_diskio/device_id_3)
[FAIL] Database: extra index (ucd_diskio/device_id_4)
[FAIL] Database: incorrect column (users/updated_at)
[FAIL] Database: extra column (users/remeber_token)
[FAIL] Database: missing table (wireless_sensors)
[FAIL] Database: extra table (bgppeers)
[FAIL] Database: extra table (bgppeers_cbgp)
[FAIL] Database: extra table (bill_port_counters_tmp)
[FAIL] Database: extra table (ciscoasa)
[FAIL] Database: extra table (entphysical_state)
[FAIL] Database: extra table (hrdevice)
[FAIL] Database: extra table (juniatmvp)
[FAIL] We have detected that your database schema may be wrong, please report the following to us on IRC or the community site (https://t.libren.ms/5gscd):
ALTER TABLE applications CHANGE timestamp timestamp timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
CREATE TABLE bgpPeers (astext varchar(64) NOT NULL, bgpLocalAddr text NOT NULL, bgpPeerAdminStatus text NOT NULL, bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTime int(11) NOT NULL, bgpPeerIdentifier text NOT NULL, bgpPeerInTotalMessages int(11) NOT NULL, bgpPeerInUpdateElapsedTime int(11) NOT NULL, bgpPeerInUpdates int(11) NOT NULL, bgpPeerOutTotalMessages int(11) NOT NULL, bgpPeerOutUpdates int(11) NOT NULL, bgpPeerRemoteAddr text NOT NULL, bgpPeerRemoteAs bigint(20) NOT NULL, bgpPeerState text NOT NULL, bgpPeer_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, context_name varchar(128) NULL, device_id int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (bgpPeer_id), INDEX device_id (device_id));
CREATE TABLE bgpPeers_cbgp (AcceptedPrefixes int(11) NOT NULL, AcceptedPrefixes_delta int(11) NOT NULL, AcceptedPrefixes_prev int(11) NOT NULL, AdvertisedPrefixes int(11) NOT NULL, AdvertisedPrefixes_delta int(11) NOT NULL, AdvertisedPrefixes_prev int(11) NOT NULL, afi varchar(16) NOT NULL, bgpPeerIdentifier varchar(64) NOT NULL, context_name varchar(128) NULL, DeniedPrefixes int(11) NOT NULL, DeniedPrefixes_delta int(11) NOT NULL, DeniedPrefixes_prev int(11) NOT NULL, device_id int(11) NOT NULL, PrefixAdminLimit int(11) NOT NULL, PrefixClearThreshold int(11) NOT NULL, PrefixThreshold int(11) NOT NULL, safi varchar(16) NOT NULL, SuppressedPrefixes int(11) NOT NULL, SuppressedPrefixes_delta int(11) NOT NULL, SuppressedPrefixes_prev int(11) NOT NULL, WithdrawnPrefixes int(11) NOT NULL, WithdrawnPrefixes_delta int(11) NOT NULL, WithdrawnPrefixes_prev int(11) NOT NULL, UNIQUE unique_index (device_id,bgpPeerIdentifier,afi,safi), INDEX device_id (device_id,bgpPeerIdentifier));
CREATE TABLE ciscoASA (ciscoASA_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, data bigint(20) NOT NULL, device_id int(11) NOT NULL, disabled tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’, high_alert bigint(20) NOT NULL, low_alert bigint(20) NOT NULL, oid varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (ciscoASA_id), INDEX device_id (device_id));
CREATE TABLE dbSchema (version int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’, PRIMARY KEY (version));
CREATE TABLE devices (agent_uptime int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’, authalgo enum(‘MD5’,‘SHA’) NULL, authlevel enum(‘noAuthNoPriv’,‘authNoPriv’,‘authPriv’) NULL, authname varchar(64) NULL, authpass varchar(64) NULL, bgpLocalAs varchar(16) NULL, community varchar(255) NULL, cryptoalgo enum(‘AES’,‘DES’,’’) NULL, cryptopass varchar(64) NULL, device_id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, disabled tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’, features text NULL, hardware text NULL, hostname varchar(128) NOT NULL, icon varchar(255) NULL, ignore tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’, ip varbinary(16) NULL, last_discovered timestamp NULL, last_discovered_timetaken double(5,2) NULL, last_ping timestamp NULL, last_ping_timetaken double(5,2) NULL, last_polled timestamp NULL, last_polled_timetaken double(5,2) NULL, last_poll_attempted timestamp NULL, location text NULL, notes text NULL, os varchar(32) NULL, override_sysLocation tinyint(1) NULL DEFAULT ‘0’, poller_group int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’, port smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘161’, port_association_mode int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘1’, purpose text NULL, retries int(11) NULL, serial text NULL, snmpver varchar(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘v2c’, status tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’, status_reason varchar(50) NOT NULL, sysContact text NULL, sysDescr text NULL, sysName varchar(128) NULL, sysObjectID varchar(64) NULL, timeout int(11) NULL, transport varchar(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘udp’, type varchar(20) NOT NULL, uptime bigint(20) NULL, version text NULL, PRIMARY KEY (device_id), INDEX status (status), INDEX hostname (hostname), INDEX sysName (sysName), INDEX os (os), INDEX last_polled (last_polled), INDEX last_poll_attempted (last_poll_attempted));
ALTER TABLE devices_attribs DROP INDEX device_id_2;
ALTER TABLE devices_attribs DROP INDEX device_id_3;
ALTER TABLE device_graphs DROP INDEX device_id_2;
ALTER TABLE device_graphs DROP INDEX device_id_3;
CREATE TABLE device_group_device (device_group_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, device_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (device_group_id,device_id), INDEX device_group_device_device_group_id_index (device_group_id), INDEX device_group_device_device_id_index (device_id));
ALTER TABLE device_mibs CHANGE last_modified last_modified timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
ALTER TABLE device_oids CHANGE last_modified last_modified timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
ALTER TABLE device_perf DROP INDEX device_id_2;
ALTER TABLE device_perf DROP INDEX device_id_3;
CREATE TABLE entPhysical (device_id int(11) NOT NULL, entPhysicalAlias varchar(32) NULL, entPhysicalAssetID varchar(32) NULL, entPhysicalClass text NOT NULL, entPhysicalContainedIn int(11) NOT NULL, entPhysicalDescr text NOT NULL, entPhysicalFirmwareRev varchar(64) NULL, entPhysicalHardwareRev varchar(64) NULL, entPhysicalIndex int(11) NOT NULL, entPhysicalIsFRU varchar(8) NULL, entPhysicalMfgName text NOT NULL, entPhysicalModelName text NOT NULL, entPhysicalName text NOT NULL, entPhysicalParentRelPos int(11) NOT NULL, entPhysicalSerialNum text NOT NULL, entPhysicalSoftwareRev varchar(64) NULL, entPhysicalVendorType text NULL, entPhysical_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, ifIndex int(11) NULL, PRIMARY KEY (entPhysical_id), INDEX device_id (device_id));
CREATE TABLE entPhysical_state (device_id int(11) NOT NULL, entPhysicalIndex varchar(64) NOT NULL, group varchar(64) NOT NULL, key varchar(64) NOT NULL, subindex varchar(64) NULL, value varchar(255) NOT NULL, INDEX device_id_index (device_id,entPhysicalIndex));
ALTER TABLE eventlog DROP INDEX device_id_2;
ALTER TABLE eventlog DROP INDEX device_id_3;
CREATE TABLE hrDevice (device_id int(11) NOT NULL, hrDeviceDescr text NOT NULL, hrDeviceErrors int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’, hrDeviceIndex int(11) NOT NULL, hrDeviceStatus text NOT NULL, hrDeviceType text NOT NULL, hrDevice_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, hrProcessorLoad tinyint(4) NULL, PRIMARY KEY (hrDevice_id), INDEX device_id (device_id));
ALTER TABLE ipv4_mac DROP INDEX port_id_2;
ALTER TABLE ipv4_mac DROP INDEX mac_address_2;
ALTER TABLE ipv4_mac DROP INDEX port_id_3;
ALTER TABLE ipv4_mac DROP INDEX mac_address_3;
CREATE TABLE juniAtmVp (juniAtmVp_id int(11) NOT NULL, port_id int(11) NOT NULL, vp_descr varchar(32) NOT NULL, vp_id int(11) NOT NULL, INDEX port_id (port_id));
ALTER TABLE links DROP INDEX local_device_id_2;
ALTER TABLE links DROP INDEX local_device_id_3;
ALTER TABLE loadbalancer_vservers DROP INDEX device_id_2;
ALTER TABLE loadbalancer_vservers DROP INDEX device_id_3;
CREATE TABLE mac_accounting (bps_in int(11) NOT NULL, bps_out int(11) NOT NULL, cipMacHCSwitchedBytes_input bigint(20) NULL, cipMacHCSwitchedBytes_input_delta bigint(20) NULL, cipMacHCSwitchedBytes_input_prev bigint(20) NULL, cipMacHCSwitchedBytes_input_rate int(11) NULL, cipMacHCSwitchedBytes_output bigint(20) NULL, cipMacHCSwitchedBytes_output_delta bigint(20) NULL, cipMacHCSwitchedBytes_output_prev bigint(20) NULL, cipMacHCSwitchedBytes_output_rate int(11) NULL, cipMacHCSwitchedPkts_input bigint(20) NULL, cipMacHCSwitchedPkts_input_delta bigint(20) NULL, cipMacHCSwitchedPkts_input_prev bigint(20) NULL, cipMacHCSwitchedPkts_input_rate int(11) NULL, cipMacHCSwitchedPkts_output bigint(20) NULL, cipMacHCSwitchedPkts_output_delta bigint(20) NULL, cipMacHCSwitchedPkts_output_prev bigint(20) NULL, cipMacHCSwitchedPkts_output_rate int(11) NULL, in_oid varchar(128) NOT NULL, mac varchar(32) NOT NULL, ma_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, out_oid varchar(128) NOT NULL, poll_period int(11) NULL, poll_prev int(11) NULL, poll_time int(11) NULL, port_id int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (ma_id), INDEX interface_id (port_id), INDEX interface_id_2 (port_id));
and 20 more…

> 2. method with new clean install by using build-base.php DB version give correct version but still giving schema errors.

[librenms@tatana /usr/local/www/librenms]$ ./build-base.php
– Updating database schema
000 -> 001 … done (0 errors).
001 -> 002 … done (0 errors).
002 -> 003 … done (0 errors).
003 -> 004 … done (0 errors).
004 -> 005 … done (0 errors).
005 -> 006 … done (0 errors).
006 -> 007 … done (0 errors).
007 -> 008 … done (0 errors).
008 -> 009 … done (0 errors).
009 -> 010 … done (0 errors).
010 -> 011 … done (0 errors).
011 -> 012 … done (0 errors).
012 -> 013 … done (0 errors).
013 -> 014 … done (0 errors).
014 -> 015 … done (0 errors).
015 -> 016 … done (0 errors).
016 -> 017 … done (0 errors).
017 -> 018 … done (0 errors).
018 -> 019 … done (0 errors).
019 -> 020 … done (0 errors).
020 -> 021 … done (0 errors).
021 -> 022 … done (0 errors).
022 -> 023 … done (0 errors).
023 -> 024 … done (0 errors).
024 -> 025 … done (0 errors).
025 -> 026 … done (0 errors).
026 -> 027 … done (0 errors).
027 -> 028 … done (0 errors).
028 -> 029 … done (0 errors).
029 -> 030 … done (0 errors).
030 -> 031 … done (0 errors).
031 -> 032 … done (0 errors).
032 -> 033 … done (0 errors).
033 -> 034 … done (0 errors).
034 -> 035 … done (0 errors).
035 -> 036 … done (0 errors).
036 -> 037 … done (0 errors).
037 -> 038 … done (0 errors).
038 -> 039 … done (0 errors).
039 -> 040 … done (0 errors).
040 -> 041 … done (0 errors).
041 -> 042 … done (0 errors).
042 -> 043 … done (0 errors).
043 -> 044 … done (0 errors).
044 -> 045 … done (0 errors).
045 -> 046 … done (0 errors).
046 -> 047 … done (0 errors).
047 -> 048 … done (0 errors).
048 -> 049 … done (0 errors).
049 -> 050 … done (0 errors).
050 -> 051 … done (0 errors).
051 -> 052 … done (0 errors).
052 -> 053 … done (0 errors).
053 -> 054 … done (0 errors).
054 -> 055 … done (0 errors).
055 -> 056 … done (0 errors).
056 -> 057 … done (0 errors).
057 -> 058 … done (0 errors).
058 -> 059 … done (0 errors).
059 -> 060 … done (0 errors).
060 -> 061 … done (0 errors).
061 -> 062 … done (0 errors).
062 -> 063 … done (0 errors).
063 -> 064 … done (0 errors).
064 -> 065 … done (0 errors).
065 -> 066 … done (0 errors).
066 -> 067 … done (0 errors).
067 -> 068 … done (0 errors).
068 -> 069 … done (0 errors).
069 -> 070 … done (0 errors).
070 -> 071 … done (0 errors).
071 -> 072 … done (0 errors).
072 -> 073 … done (0 errors).
073 -> 074 … done (0 errors).
074 -> 075 … done (0 errors).
075 -> 076 … done (0 errors).
076 -> 077 … done (0 errors).
077 -> 078 … done (0 errors).
078 -> 079 … done (0 errors).
079 -> 080 … done (0 errors).
080 -> 081 … done (0 errors).
081 -> 082 … done (0 errors).
082 -> 083 … done (0 errors).
083 -> 084 … done (0 errors).
084 -> 085 … done (0 errors).
085 -> 086 … done (0 errors).
086 -> 087 … done (0 errors).
087 -> 088 … done (0 errors).
088 -> 089 … done (0 errors).
089 -> 090 … done (0 errors).
090 -> 091 … done (0 errors).
091 -> 092 … done (0 errors).
092 -> 093 … done (0 errors).
093 -> 094 … done (0 errors).
094 -> 095 … done (0 errors).
095 -> 096 … done (0 errors).
096 -> 097 … done (0 errors).
097 -> 098 … done (0 errors).
098 -> 099 … done (0 errors).
099 -> 100 … done (0 errors).
100 -> 101 … done (0 errors).
101 -> 102 … done (0 errors).
102 -> 103 … done (0 errors).
103 -> 104 … done (0 errors).
104 -> 105 … done (0 errors).
105 -> 106 … done (0 errors).
106 -> 107 … done (0 errors).
107 -> 108 … done (0 errors).
108 -> 109 … done (0 errors).
109 -> 110 … done (0 errors).
110 -> 111 … done (0 errors).
111 -> 112 … done (0 errors).
112 -> 113 … done (0 errors).
113 -> 114 … done (0 errors).
114 -> 115 … done (0 errors).
115 -> 116 … done (0 errors).
116 -> 117 … done (0 errors).
117 -> 118 … done (0 errors).
118 -> 119 … done (0 errors).
119 -> 120 … done (0 errors).
120 -> 121 … done (0 errors).
121 -> 122 … done (0 errors).
122 -> 123 … done (0 errors).
123 -> 124 … done (0 errors).
124 -> 125 … done (0 errors).
125 -> 126 … done (0 errors).
126 -> 127 … done (0 errors).
127 -> 128 … done (0 errors).
128 -> 129 … done (0 errors).
129 -> 130 … done (0 errors).
130 -> 131 … done (0 errors).
131 -> 132 … done (0 errors).
132 -> 133 … done (0 errors).
133 -> 134 … done (0 errors).
134 -> 135 … done (0 errors).
135 -> 136 … done (0 errors).
136 -> 137 … done (0 errors).
137 -> 138 … done (0 errors).
138 -> 139 … done (0 errors).
139 -> 140 … done (0 errors).
140 -> 141 … done (0 errors).
141 -> 142 … done (0 errors).
142 -> 143 … done (0 errors).
143 -> 144 … done (0 errors).
144 -> 145 … done (0 errors).
145 -> 146 … done (0 errors).
146 -> 147 … done (0 errors).
147 -> 148 … done (0 errors).
148 -> 149 … done (0 errors).
149 -> 150 … done (0 errors).
150 -> 151 … done (0 errors).
151 -> 152 … done (0 errors).
152 -> 153 … done (0 errors).
153 -> 154 … done (0 errors).
154 -> 155 … done (0 errors).
155 -> 156 … done (0 errors).
156 -> 157 … done (0 errors).
157 -> 158 … done (0 errors).
158 -> 159 … done (0 errors).
159 -> 160 … done (0 errors).
160 -> 161 … done (0 errors).
161 -> 162 … done (0 errors).
162 -> 163 … done (0 errors).
163 -> 164 … done (0 errors).
164 -> 165 … done (0 errors).
165 -> 166 … done (0 errors).
166 -> 167 … done (0 errors).
167 -> 168 … done (0 errors).
168 -> 169 … done (0 errors).
169 -> 170 … done (0 errors).
170 -> 171 … done (0 errors).
171 -> 172 … done (0 errors).
172 -> 173 … done (0 errors).
173 -> 174 … done (0 errors).
174 -> 175 … done (0 errors).
175 -> 176 … done (0 errors).
176 -> 177 … done (0 errors).
177 -> 178 … done (0 errors).
178 -> 179 … done (0 errors).
179 -> 180 … done (0 errors).
180 -> 181 … done (0 errors).
181 -> 182 … done (0 errors).
182 -> 183 … done (0 errors).
183 -> 184 … done (0 errors).
184 -> 185 … done (0 errors).
185 -> 186 … done (0 errors).
186 -> 187 … done (0 errors).
187 -> 188 … done (0 errors).
188 -> 189 … done (0 errors).
189 -> 190 … done (0 errors).
190 -> 191 … done (0 errors).
191 -> 192 … done (0 errors).
– Done

/usr/local/www/librenms]$ ./validate.php

Component Version
LibreNMS f8aadf227b25ff4436859d19062d234ed9134767
**DB Schema 192**
PHP 5.6.30
MySQL 5.6.36-log
RRDTool 1.6.0


[OK] Database connection successful
[FAIL] Database: incorrect column (applications/timestamp)
[FAIL] Database: missing table (bgpPeers)
[FAIL] Database: missing table (bgpPeers_cbgp)
[FAIL] Database: missing table (ciscoASA)
[FAIL] Database: missing table (dbSchema)
[FAIL] Database: incorrect column (device_mibs/last_modified)
[FAIL] Database: incorrect column (device_oids/last_modified)
[FAIL] Database: missing table (entPhysical)
[FAIL] Database: missing table (entPhysical_state)
[FAIL] Database: missing table (hrDevice)
[FAIL] Database: missing table (juniAtmVp)
[FAIL] Database: incorrect column (mibdefs/last_modified)
[FAIL] Database: incorrect column (state_translations/state_lastupdated)
[FAIL] Database: incorrect column (users/updated_at)
[FAIL] Database: extra table (bgppeers)
[FAIL] Database: extra table (bgppeers_cbgp)
[FAIL] Database: extra table (ciscoasa)
[FAIL] Database: extra table (dbschema)
[FAIL] Database: extra table (entphysical)
[FAIL] Database: extra table (entphysical_state)
[FAIL] Database: extra table (hrdevice)
[FAIL] Database: extra table (juniatmvp)
[FAIL] We have detected that your database schema may be wrong, please report the following to us on IRC or the community site (https://t.libren.ms/5gscd):
ALTER TABLE applications CHANGE timestamp timestamp timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
CREATE TABLE bgpPeers (astext varchar(64) NOT NULL, bgpLocalAddr text NOT NULL, bgpPeerAdminStatus text NOT NULL, bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTime int(11) NOT NULL, bgpPeerIdentifier text NOT NULL, bgpPeerInTotalMessages int(11) NOT NULL, bgpPeerInUpdateElapsedTime int(11) NOT NULL, bgpPeerInUpdates int(11) NOT NULL, bgpPeerOutTotalMessages int(11) NOT NULL, bgpPeerOutUpdates int(11) NOT NULL, bgpPeerRemoteAddr text NOT NULL, bgpPeerRemoteAs bigint(20) NOT NULL, bgpPeerState text NOT NULL, bgpPeer_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, context_name varchar(128) NULL, device_id int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (bgpPeer_id), INDEX device_id (device_id));
CREATE TABLE bgpPeers_cbgp (AcceptedPrefixes int(11) NOT NULL, AcceptedPrefixes_delta int(11) NOT NULL, AcceptedPrefixes_prev int(11) NOT NULL, AdvertisedPrefixes int(11) NOT NULL, AdvertisedPrefixes_delta int(11) NOT NULL, AdvertisedPrefixes_prev int(11) NOT NULL, afi varchar(16) NOT NULL, bgpPeerIdentifier varchar(64) NOT NULL, context_name varchar(128) NULL, DeniedPrefixes int(11) NOT NULL, DeniedPrefixes_delta int(11) NOT NULL, DeniedPrefixes_prev int(11) NOT NULL, device_id int(11) NOT NULL, PrefixAdminLimit int(11) NOT NULL, PrefixClearThreshold int(11) NOT NULL, PrefixThreshold int(11) NOT NULL, safi varchar(16) NOT NULL, SuppressedPrefixes int(11) NOT NULL, SuppressedPrefixes_delta int(11) NOT NULL, SuppressedPrefixes_prev int(11) NOT NULL, WithdrawnPrefixes int(11) NOT NULL, WithdrawnPrefixes_delta int(11) NOT NULL, WithdrawnPrefixes_prev int(11) NOT NULL, UNIQUE unique_index (device_id,bgpPeerIdentifier,afi,safi), INDEX device_id (device_id,bgpPeerIdentifier));
CREATE TABLE ciscoASA (ciscoASA_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, data bigint(20) NOT NULL, device_id int(11) NOT NULL, disabled tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’, high_alert bigint(20) NOT NULL, low_alert bigint(20) NOT NULL, oid varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (ciscoASA_id), INDEX device_id (device_id));
CREATE TABLE dbSchema (version int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’, PRIMARY KEY (version));
ALTER TABLE device_mibs CHANGE last_modified last_modified timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
ALTER TABLE device_oids CHANGE last_modified last_modified timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
CREATE TABLE entPhysical (device_id int(11) NOT NULL, entPhysicalAlias varchar(32) NULL, entPhysicalAssetID varchar(32) NULL, entPhysicalClass text NOT NULL, entPhysicalContainedIn int(11) NOT NULL, entPhysicalDescr text NOT NULL, entPhysicalFirmwareRev varchar(64) NULL, entPhysicalHardwareRev varchar(64) NULL, entPhysicalIndex int(11) NOT NULL, entPhysicalIsFRU varchar(8) NULL, entPhysicalMfgName text NOT NULL, entPhysicalModelName text NOT NULL, entPhysicalName text NOT NULL, entPhysicalParentRelPos int(11) NOT NULL, entPhysicalSerialNum text NOT NULL, entPhysicalSoftwareRev varchar(64) NULL, entPhysicalVendorType text NULL, entPhysical_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, ifIndex int(11) NULL, PRIMARY KEY (entPhysical_id), INDEX device_id (device_id));
CREATE TABLE entPhysical_state (device_id int(11) NOT NULL, entPhysicalIndex varchar(64) NOT NULL, group varchar(64) NOT NULL, key varchar(64) NOT NULL, subindex varchar(64) NULL, value varchar(255) NOT NULL, INDEX device_id_index (device_id,entPhysicalIndex));
CREATE TABLE hrDevice (device_id int(11) NOT NULL, hrDeviceDescr text NOT NULL, hrDeviceErrors int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’, hrDeviceIndex int(11) NOT NULL, hrDeviceStatus text NOT NULL, hrDeviceType text NOT NULL, hrDevice_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, hrProcessorLoad tinyint(4) NULL, PRIMARY KEY (hrDevice_id), INDEX device_id (device_id));
CREATE TABLE juniAtmVp (juniAtmVp_id int(11) NOT NULL, port_id int(11) NOT NULL, vp_descr varchar(32) NOT NULL, vp_id int(11) NOT NULL, INDEX port_id (port_id));
ALTER TABLE mibdefs CHANGE last_modified last_modified timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
ALTER TABLE state_translations CHANGE state_lastupdated state_lastupdated timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
ALTER TABLE users CHANGE updated_at updated_at timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
DROP TABLE bgppeers;
DROP TABLE bgppeers_cbgp;
DROP TABLE ciscoasa;
DROP TABLE dbschema;
DROP TABLE entphysical;
DROP TABLE entphysical_state;
DROP TABLE hrdevice;
DROP TABLE juniatmvp;
[FAIL] The poller has never run, check the cron job
[WARN] You have not added any devices yet.

You have the setting to ignore case sensitivity, disable it within mysql, drop the librenms database (assuming you have no data in it) and re-create.

lower_case_table_names = 1

must be 0 ?

After changing case sensitivity

/usr/local/www/librenms]$ ./daily.sh
Updating to latest codebase OK
Updating SQL-Schema OK
Updating submodules OK
Cleaning up DB OK
Fetching notifications OK
Caching PeeringDB data OK

/usr/local/www/librenms]$ ./daily.sh

Updating to latest codebase OK
Updating SQL-Schema OK
Updating submodules OK
Cleaning up DB OK
Fetching notifications OK
Caching PeeringDB data OK
[librenms@tatana /usr/local/www/librenms]$
[librenms@tatana /usr/local/www/librenms]$
[librenms@tatana /usr/local/www/librenms]$ ./validate.php

Component Version
LibreNMS f8aadf227b25ff4436859d19062d234ed9134767
**DB Schema 192**
PHP 5.6.30
MySQL 5.6.36-log
RRDTool 1.6.0


[OK] Database connection successful
[OK] Database schema correct
[WARN] openssl_random_pseudo_bytes is not being used for user password hashing. This is a recommended function (https://secure.php.net/openssl_random_pseudo_bytes)
[FAIL] The poller has never run, check the cron job
[WARN] You have not added any devices yet.

thank you laf for fast response :slight_smile:

A post was merged into an existing topic: Report database schema issues here