Hi All,
I am not able to enable auto discovery feature in my Librenms configurion. Below are the changes I have made in config.php file. I am using Ubuntu 18.04 server edition iso image in my virtual box. Looking forward to here it from users. Any positive inputs in this would be appreciated. I have used installation guide from official librenms tool web site with https://docs.librenms.org/Installation/Installation-Ubuntu-1804-Apache/ :-
config[‘db_host’] = ‘localhost’;
$config[‘db_port’] = ‘3306’;
$config[‘db_user’] = ‘librenms’;
$config[‘db_pass’] = ‘password’;
$config[‘db_name’] = ‘librenms’;
$config[‘db_socket’] = ‘’;
//Please ensure this user is created and has the correct permissions to your install
$config[‘user’] = ‘librenms’;
Locations - it is recommended to keep the default
#$config[‘install_dir’] = “/opt/librenms”;
This should only be set if you want to force a particular hostname/port
It will prevent the web interface being usable form any other hostname
#$config[‘base_url’] = “http://librenms.company.com”;
Enable this to use rrdcached. Be sure rrd_dir is within the rrdcached dir
and that your web server has permission to talk to rrdcached.
#$config[‘rrdcached’] = “unix:/var/run/rrdcached.sock”;
Default community
$config[‘snmp’][‘community’] = array(“public”);
Authentication Model
$config[‘auth_mechanism’] = “mysql”; # default, other options: ldap, http-auth
List of RFC1918 networks to allow scanning-based discovery
#$config[‘nets’][] = “”;
#$config[‘nets’][] = “”;
$coinfig[‘nets’][] = “”;
$config[‘discovery_by_ip’] = true;
$config[‘snmp’][‘community’][] = “my_custom_community”;
$config[‘snmp’][‘community’][] = “another_community”;
$config[‘snmp’][‘v3’][0][‘authlevel’] = ‘authPriv’;
$config[‘snmp’][‘v3’][0][‘authname’] = ‘my_username’;
$config[‘snmp’][‘v3’][0][‘authpass’] = ‘my_password’;
$config[‘snmp’][‘v3’][0][‘authalgo’] = ‘MD5’;
$config[‘snmp’][‘v3’][0][‘cryptopass’] = ‘my_crypto’;
$config[‘snmp’][‘v3’][0][‘cryptoalgo’] = ‘AES’;
$config[‘autodiscovery’][‘nets-exclude’][] = ‘’;
$config[‘discovery_modules’][‘discovery-arp’] = true;
$config[‘autodiscovery’][‘xdp’] = true;
$config[‘autodiscovery’][‘ospf’] = true;
$config[‘autodiscovery’][‘xdp_exclude’][‘sysname_regexp’][] = ‘/host1/’;
$config[‘autodiscovery’][‘xdp_exclude’][‘sysname_regexp’][] = ‘/^dev/’;
$config[‘autodiscovery’][‘xdp_exclude’][‘sysdesc_regexp’][] = ‘/Vendor X/’;
$config[‘autodiscovery’][‘xdp_exclude’][‘sysdesc_regexp’][] = ‘/Vendor Y/’;
$config[‘autodiscovery’][‘cdp_exclude’][‘platform_regexp’][] = ‘/WS-C3750G/’;
$config[‘autodiscovery’][‘xdp_exclude’][‘sysdesc_riegexp’][] = ‘/-K9W8-/’;
$config[‘autodiscovery’][‘cdp_exclude’][‘platform_regexp’][] = ‘/^Cisco IP Phone/’;
$config[‘autodiscovery’][‘addhost_alwayscheckip’] = true;
$config[‘discovery_by_ip’] = true;