I’ve gotten Active Directory auth working with LibreNMS, but I’m having some trouble with API integration. I can create an API key, but it ends up breaking after a while (loses the user information).
When I run auth_test.php -l, I get the following:
Authentication Method: active_directory
Could not bind to AD, you will not be able to use the API or alert AD users
Users: removed (4999), removed (2026), removed (2014), removed (15523), removed (14394), removed (18760), removed (20107)
Total users: 7
I’ve checked, and I have the user information correct, and the domain and OU seem right in config.php:
Authentication Model
$config[‘auth_mechanism’] = ‘active_directory’;
$config[‘auth_ad_url’] = ‘ldap://dc-svr-1.domain.local’;
$config[‘auth_ad_domain’] = ‘domain.local’;
$config[‘auth_ad_base_dn’] = ‘dc=domain,dc=local’;
$config[‘auth_ad_check_certificates’] = false;
$config[‘auth_ad_binduser’] = ‘ldap-librenms’;
$config[‘auth_ad_bindpassword’] = ‘password’;
$config[‘auth_ad_timeout’] = 15;
$config[‘auth_ad_debug’] = false;
$config[‘active_directory’][‘users_purge’] = 30;
$config[‘auth_ad_require_groupmembership’] = true;
$config[‘auth_ad_groups’][‘Network Operations’][‘level’] = 10;
What might be the problem? How can I continue to troubleshoot the issue?