Disk OPS showing incorrect data

I’m needing to gather data on how busy some of our disks are. I decided to look at our librenms historical graphs. But the data looks unreliable. Maybe I’m not understanding correctly, but this doesn’t seem right for two reasons:


#1 This is an OPS graph. But for some reason one portion of it says 142.58m. The m I’m assuming means megabit or megabyte. Which is a measure of speed, or size. Not a measurement of operations.

#2 This is a 7200RPM drive which should be capable of 100 IOPS max. Yet for some reason this graph is telling me that this had a max of 1.02K in this time range. Which shouldn’t be possible.

Anyone have any thoughts on this?

Check here first https://docs.librenms.org/#Support/FAQ/#what-do-the-values-mean-in-my-graphs
also the device could be reporting back bad data run poller debug on that device.

./poller.php -h HOSTNAME -d

You are mis-reading the values, see the link kevin posted to understand more.