Distributed Poller Config

Hi All,

If I want to have a secondary poller do I need to do the following.

  1. install LibreNMS on a new Host
  2. point the DB config to my Current LibreNMS Host
  3. Setup memcached on new server
  4. Setup RRD on new server

And Then

Creatse my poller group and assign servers to the Group?

or am I doing something wrong here?

1 and 2 yes
3 and 4:
Those daemons usually runs in the main server, or another dedicated machine.
If you set it up in the new poller server, then your main should point to those in the config

so 3 and 4 should be configured on my Main server and my new poller Libre config.php should point to it then?

New Libre >config.php>rrd and memcached>Main Librenms