Error: <strong>Could not execute: /usr/sbin/sendmail</strong><br />

is open_basedir set?

Sorry, but where hsould I check that? :slight_smile:

php -i|grep open_basedir
or checking the php.ini from your webserver and cli

Thanks. No, not set

root@librenms:~# php -i|grep open_basedir
open_basedir => no value => no value

Tried to find what to set, but the only referance I could find was for CentOS install, and I’m using Ubu/Apache2 ( )

By the way, shouldn’t you be setting the sendmail path to /usr/lib/sm.bin/sendmail ?

I had the same problem with sendmail on CentOS but possibly for a different reason. I was unwilling to disable SELinux as was suggested here so I did the following:

setenforce 0
Send a test alert transport to yourself in Alerts --> Alerts Transports --> Test button
setenforce 1
audit2allow -a -M sendmailproblem
semodule -i sendmailproblem.pp
Retest sending a test alert.  

I also had to install postfix to get it to work in my environment so I could set a relayhost.