Feature Request: Alert Notifications page & widget to be sortable and filterable by all columns

The current alert notifications widget and page show sortable column headings, but these do not function as advertised. I’d rather focus on how it could be, rather than what it isn’t right now:

Please could you add the following functionality to the alert notification table and widget:

  • table to be sortable by all columns (except the untitled details column)
  • table to be filterable by all columns (again except details):
    • severity: checkbox list of severities
    • time stamp: date & time range
    • rule: checkbox list of triggered rule names
    • hostname: checkbox list of hostnames
    • ack: acknowledged / not acknowledged
  • user-selectable option to AND multiple filters
  • filter controls to be accessed by UI buttons etc rather than widget edit menu
  • add SNMP location as an hideable, sortable and filterable column
  • add a checkbox list of device groups as a filterable option & a hideable & sortable column.

The end result will be a table that is easy for a service desk or infrastructure engineer to query to easily zoom in on an emerging incident or gather trending & other information about alerts against an asset, site, alert type, etc.


What are people using for an alerts dashboard since librenms’ is still broken?
I quite like the way zabbix displays alerts, but it is less joined up for monitoring switches etc, so librenms still wins there.