Geographical Map Fails With force_ip_to_sysname


When I set $config[‘force_ip_to_sysname’] = true; in config.php I lose the ability to load the Geographical map. I’ve tried in both Firefox and Chrome. I’ve also confirmed the map works fine the instant I change it back to false.

Here is my validate.php output:


Component Version
LibreNMS 1.57-85-gf19bbcab4
DB Schema 2019_04_22_220000_update_route_table (147)
PHP 7.2.24-0ubuntu0.18.04.1
MySQL 10.1.43-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.18.04.1
RRDTool 1.7.0


[OK] Composer Version: 1.9.1
[OK] Dependencies up-to-date.
[OK] Database connection successful
[OK] Database schema correct

Is something misconfigured or could this be a bug?

Hi @LFustinoni
If this is indeed a ressource issue, then we’ll need you help to investigate it. Geographical map is (as far as I know) mostly built on the browser. So it could be:

  • Limit of memory of the browser
  • Limit of the geo data provider API