Graph is not working for many hosts and error in validate.php

root@cf631d29789e:/opt/librenms# ./validate.php
fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git

Component Version
DB Schema 187
MySQL 5.6.35
RRDTool 1.5.5


PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: DateTime::__construct(): Failed to parse time string (@) at position 0 (@): Unexpected character in /opt/librenms/validate.php:113
Stack trace:
#0 /opt/librenms/validate.php(113): DateTime->__construct(’@’, Object(DateTimeZone))
#1 {main}
thrown in /opt/librenms/validate.php on line 113

root@cf631d29789e:/opt/librenms# git --version
git version 2.7.4

I already added timezone on php.ini file.

Any suggestion?

I’m assuming you didn’t do a git clone but used the zip from git to install?

Yes. used zip.

I used docker container to install it.

I comment those validation and ran it again.

root@cf631d29789e:/opt/librenms# ./validate.php
fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git

Component Version
DB Schema 187
MySQL 5.6.35
RRDTool 1.5.5


[FAIL] We couldn’t find the following php extensions, please ensure they are installed:
[FAIL] We have found some files that are owned by a different user than librenms, this will stop you updating automatically and / or rrd files being updated causing graphs to fail.
[FIX] chown -R librenms:librenms /opt/librenms
[OK] Database connection successful
[FAIL] Database: incorrect column (applications/timestamp)
[FAIL] Database: incorrect column (device_mibs/last_modified)
[FAIL] Database: incorrect column (device_oids/last_modified)
[FAIL] Database: incorrect column (mibdefs/last_modified)
[FAIL] Database: incorrect column (state_translations/state_lastupdated)
[FAIL] Database: incorrect column (users/updated_at)
[FAIL] We have detected that your database schema may be wrong, please report the following to us on IRC or the community site (
ALTER TABLE applications CHANGE timestamp timestamp timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
ALTER TABLE device_mibs CHANGE last_modified last_modified timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
ALTER TABLE device_oids CHANGE last_modified last_modified timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
ALTER TABLE mibdefs CHANGE last_modified last_modified timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
ALTER TABLE state_translations CHANGE state_lastupdated state_lastupdated timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
ALTER TABLE users CHANGE updated_at updated_at timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
[FAIL] You have a different system timezone (UTC) specified to the php configured timezone (CDT), please correct this.
[FAIL] fping should be suid! [FIX] chmod u+s /usr/bin/fping
[FAIL] fping6 should be suid! [FIX] chmod u+s /usr/bin/fping6
[WARN] Your local git branch is not master, this will prevent automatic updates.
Not a git repository
To compare two paths outside a working tree: