Groups by Vendor

? No i didn´t. i asked specifically how a request is done to oxidized with the groups feature. And the answer matched my bug> without the group on the request URL it does not work. you said that /node/show/NODE works with groups enabled on your setup. so it seem to me that is your setup that is not “compliant” with the scenario (sorry if it´s not the best word)

can you post the json code that yo get in return? on my case i just get a node not found response. maybe that cold be it?

or maybe is something how I´m doing the groups? i´m doing by OS. how are you doing yours?

For node/show/$node:

  {:start=>2017-07-01 19:04:50 UTC,
   :end=>2017-07-01 19:04:59 UTC,

but are you not using groups? default group on oxidized is when there are no groups. i’m confused. can you get the info from a node from a group different than default?

Why don’t you show what yours says seeing as it’s yours that we’re trying to debug

i get a node not found…becase with just node it is expecting the group, like ytti said. and you can check my access log that i posted before.

This is for node/show/$node? You need to forget your proxy for now and test directly.

As per the response from ytti in my paste, node/show doesn’t need a group. node/fetch does if it’s using groups.

the proxy is a simply reverse proxy (apache)but yes for node/show/$node directly on the port running oxidized i get a node not found. even on the browser with oxidized-web, if I remove the group from the url i get a node not found.

I really don’t know what else I can say, using groups that’s not what happens for me and from speaking to ytti, what I see is how it’s supposed to work

Looking at the code also confirms this:

Disable single repo it is buggy. That will lose your history unless you migrate them to the new repo.

i think it should be because of this that your tests work

if you try with a different group name on your devices, you will confirm that it won´t work for you also.

@murrant yes, in these searches on oxidized that single_repo has had issues, but i cannot change that now, i have several scripts|parsers that use the same git repo:/

but in this case I think (again, noob coder) it should be a case of adding the group to the node show request here (that I cannot find anywhere):

That’s fine the bug may have been fixed since I had an issue.

I added some debug code to the configs page to log all urls fetched.
I use groups to supply passwords on the oxidized side of things.


These all work correctly for me.

In my librenms config.php:

$config['oxidized']['group']['hostname'][] = array('regex' => '/^algona/', 'group' => 'Algona');

In my oxidized config:

  default: http
    scheme: https
    delimiter: !ruby/regexp /:/
      name: hostname
      model: os
      group: group
      X-Auth-Token: 'TOKEN'
  default: git
    user: Oxidized
    email: [email protected]
    repo: /var/lib/oxidized/devices.git

    username: <username>
    password: <password>