Install influxdb for use in librenms

I would suggest:

  1. Install a newer version of PHP (preferably 7.0 or newer)
  2. Change your install to git I think this will work:
git init
git remote add origin
git fetch
git reset --hard origin/master
git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master master
  1. Run ./ and ./validate.php
  2. Maybe read through the install docs and check over everything (like your cron)

hi @murrant

I tried to install php55 but I haven’t find the repo of php55-curl and php55-json What causes me problem to run the poller

PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function json_encode() in /opt/librenms/config_to_json.php on line 29

rpm -qa|grep php


Use Webtatic repo to install php7.

thank you
Is it necessary to do this to uninstall php55
mkdir /root/configphp
cp -Rf /etc/php* /root/configphp
yum remove php php-cli php-common && yum clean all

after i install php7 like this the two version does not in conflict because
This is what happens when i install php55

Yeah, it seems as though there is a conflict. (BTW, don’t copy your old PHP config to PHP 7, use the one provided with the package, it has good defaults)

Thank you very much for the history of php it’s good it works now i will try to use influxdb

but when i run the git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master master the option -set-upstream-to=origin/master maste are unknown what do you think if i use this git branch -u origin/master master

and i have reviewed the installation and in have some problems with the validation of installation

and now They save int influxdb but hiw can i see the value ?

but the Data is not update in rrd i think now they don’t work with rrd
They have a configuration in order to work with two databases ???

also Thank you very much

Maybe your version of git is too old for that command.

For viewing data in influx, you need to use something like Grafana. I’ll warn you now that you need to have some level of knowledge on how to use it and retrieve / display data.

Thank you very much @murrant and @laf
now i can to see the metrics on grafana
Just a small confirmation
The data to recover are well send in the two databases influxdb and rrd and librenms displays the metric apartire of rrd that is it.


Correct LibreNMS only uses rrd data for graphs.

thank you @murrant
I have another last question
In fact my team use Opentsdb for two years and others also intervene with OpenTsdb and my question is
"Are OpenTsdb and Influxdb compatible?"
In order that I can think of a migration solution from Influxdb to OpenTSDB
Or directly include a method that would allow librenms to save in OpenTSDB in addition

But I do not really think that Inluxdb that uses the LevelDB system is compatible with Openttsdb which uses hbase1

That is outside of my area of knowledge. I’m pretty sure that InfluxDB is not a drop in replacement for OpenTSDB, but your other things might be able to use influxdb and possibly even port data to influxdb.

I suggest you ask your question at Influx’s support community:

thank you @murrant

Someone has submitted OpenTSDB support today, keep an eye on it being merged in.

thank you very much @laf
It’s really what I’m looking for I hope it will work