LibreNMS' ability to pull a device's API like Cisco NX-API

I am new to LibreNMS and very interested in giving it a test drive… But one question that I have not been able to get answered from all my Google queries is how LibreNMS handles or works with devices that have API’s for management. I have a lot of Nexus 9000s and A10 Networks ADCs and I would prefer to monitor and manage them via the API rather than using SNMP.

Is there an poller that is customizable for this type of service…??

Thank you.


We don’t do any form of management.

For data retrieval it’s all snmp based at the moment.

OKAY… that is good to know. Is this type of collection on the road map for LibreNMS…??

Thank you.


Someone has an issue open ( requesting non-snmp support. It’s not being actively worked on just yet though.