Hey Guys,
We have recently started using LibreNMS, coming from cacti/threshold(plugin) for like last 10 years.
Sorry if it’s an extremely noob question but I couldn’t find the right answer for libreNMS,
How can I set up my alarms to trigger in the sameway that threshold plugin on cacti does, using the baseline deviation for the last “n” minutes. Instead of triggering an alarm for a static value trigger the alarm based on the baseline deviation of the last 30 minutes of the data source.
Example rule:
- Based on the last 30 minutes of data alert me if it goes 40% below or 50% higher.
This is the plugin i m talking about: https://docs.cacti.net/plugin:thold
Simply described under the features:
Provides a myriad of Alerting Options including Hi/Low, Floating Window (Time Based), and Baseline Deviation