LibreNMS doesn't return Oxidized groups anymore


My LibreNMS setup with Oxidized was working fine till today after restarting Oxidized which started to receive fetch failures.
Noticed LibreNMS doesn’t return the defined groups via API.

$config['oxidized']['group']['os'][] = array('match' => 'junos', 'group' => 'junos');

Seems something during recent updates broke it.
Please advise.
Thank you.

Sorry about that, this will be fixed shortly:

Thank you :slight_smile:


That fixed the grouping by os but grouping by hostname still doesn’t work:

$config['oxidized']['group']['hostname'][] = array('regex' => '/^test-fw/', 'group' =>'testfw');

Looks like the matching criteria has been changed now and the last matching rule wins.
Since I had a combination of os grouping and hostname grouping, had to move the hostname ones to the end to get the desired result.
Thank you