I did get directed to the validate page which had the Python/pip error listed in it when I tried to add that router to poll. The failure to add brought me that page.
I did do the subsequent apt installs you suggested but still get the http 500. I really haven’t had a chance to look at this more but tomorrow will dig into it.
Do you think I should just rerun the install script?
So rather than waiting until tomorrow I reran install script. It went properly, only had to ignore a few message about MYSQL user account already existing which is totally OK.
Validate page only complains about timezone difference between host and mysql. That’s an easy fix it seems. I will try and add a device to poll and get back to you. Provided I didn’t hit the noob user post per day limit again.
Fantastic to hear! I re-ran it on my end just to make sure I didn’t oops something before I sent the commit to github. I ran the Validation of the configuration after install and got the MYSQL warning about the tables being off. I ran the in-browser “Fix it”, refreshed the page, and all came back good.
There have been a lot of fixes since that last time I installed LNMS. I had to remove code that was no longer valid and it may have cause some issues previously. So re-running the latest version was a good idea.
Side note: Graphs will take a some time, but will sort out on their own. The system has to generate the rdd files. You may see warning about them being missing. They just have not been created yet.
I did a fan mod on my Cisco switch. The fan works but does not report back TAC to the MB. LibreNMS picked up on it and has a warning about it. HA! Pretty nice if you ask me.
Working great. No problem adding devices, initial poll for device info works fine and the following polling several minutes later is retrieving oid data fine.
thanks very much for the updates and feedback, time for a beer