Not able to access webgui after install

i’m new to all this but did manage to get librenms (ubuntu 18.04/Apache) installed but when i go to my web browser to finish the installation in the webui , nothing is found at “”. it queries a google search, i can however access it through the ip address of the server, but i read muiltiple threads that it is not the same and should not be done this way. i followed the installation instructions line for line, can anyone provide any help?

Hello spunky424

This is not a valid URL its example You need to browse to your server on your network…Like “http://hostname” or http://ipaddress

so accessing the webgui via the ipaddress of the server is fine? for some reason i read in multiple threads that doing it that way was not the correct way to access librenms.

so logging into the IP of the server that librenms is installed on i see this. the graphics dont seem to be loading properly. how can this be resolved?

This usually happens when you set up your webserver ServerName or base_url incorrectly

thanks for the reply. are you referring to this portion of the installation instructions?:

i got this resolved by changing the base_url in the config.php. Thanks for the hint/tip! its back up and running again.