Opt/librenms/daily.sh: line 98: 26888 Segmentation fault (core dumped)

I keep seeing the following in my daily.log file regarding a core dumped, not sure what the issue is. Any recommendations on what to look at further?

validate is saying everything is ok.

Refreshing device group table relationships
/opt/librenms/daily.sh: line 98: 30309 Segmentation fault (core dumped) php “${LIBRENMS_DIR}/daily.php” -f “${arg}”
Syslog cleared for entries over 30 days (about 0 rows)
Eventlog cleared for entries over 30 days
Perf times cleared for entries over 30 days
Device perf cleared for entries over 7 days
Deleting alert_logs more than 365 days that are not active
Deleting history of active alert_logs more than 365 days
Ports fdb cleared for entries over 10 days
Returned: 0
Refreshing alert rules queries
Clearing OS cache
Refreshing device group table relationships
/opt/librenms/daily.sh: line 98: 26888 Segmentation fault (core dumped) php “${LIBRENMS_DIR}/daily.php” -f “${arg}”

thats not an error thats the daily maintenance running


A " Segmentation fault (core dumped)" is not an error? That doesn’t strike me as normal.

I think the core dumped was related to a run away process that was caused this thread ./daily.sh - Cleaning UP DB is suddenly taking a long time