Overwrite IP not being used for ping checks

Currently, I’m using a distributed polling system to monitor devices across different geographies, with fast ping checks running every 30s. Because of this, I’ll have plenty of infrastructure with overlapping subnets (for instance, I might use a subnet for infra in different locations).

None of these devices have any hostnames I’d be able to resolve via DNS, so I was hoping to set the hostname to an internal name for the device and use the overwrite IP field to override the hostname for polling/ping checks. This way, I’ll avoid having directories conflict in /opt/librenms/rrd, since it looks like directories are added via IP of the device but get updated to the hostname I set on the device. However, I’m noticing that while polling properly uses the overwrite IP, the ping checks are attempting to ping the hostname instead of the overwrite IP. Is this a bug, or is there something else I need to configure here?

Thanks in advance!

Created a PR to fix this: https://github.com/librenms/librenms/pull/12022