Ping from LibreNMS to Google or other ping check and graph

Hi, i am running LibreNMS on a raspberry pi 2
The whole is working, and main issues have been solved and i added some nagios plugins as described in several how-to’s but. My issue is similar to what is discussed already but maybe i miss the clue or is my question different:

I would have an extra device in my list:
Device type is icmp
And device source is my pi andd destioation is lets say
what i want to get is :
ping google in my devicelist with status and when i drill down to this device i get the graph info with, ping ok, fail, and time and by dooing this i am also able to add an aler

I made now services with icmp and fping both sow status, so they work, but… i can’t find where i could chec the graphs …

maybe it is in libre nms and i make a error in how it works
i have used prtg for a long time but want do downscale to a pi for my home network :slight_smile:

thansks for the project and your help here.


If you are using services to fping device you can find those graphs under the device you attached the serivce check to then Services then click on Details.

Hi , thanks for the fast answer, i think i have an issue here.
i have the pi nms
here i have servicews
i see the icmp and fping
but details do not show the graphs

any clue why ?

darn you have to wait at least 1 minute and then … it is there!!!

Thanks !

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