Polling OS type Broadworks with multiple SNMP daemons on different ports

Hello, in a recent Libre update I see support has been added for the OS type Broadworks. I’m polling a Broadworks Application Server trying to get this functioning. In a Broadworks environment, an OS level SNMP daemon runs on normal port 161 and can report all the typical linux information you would expect. The Broadworks application runs another SNMP daemon on port 8001 that can provide info relative to Broadworks (active call counts and that type of thing).

That problem is if Libre polls SNMP info from port 161 it can detect the OS type as Broadworks, but is unable to poll Broadworks specific info, because that needs to be done on port 8001. However, if Libre is told to poll SNMP on port 8001, then it fails to detect the OS type as Broadworks, then never even attempt to pull the Broadworks specific OIDs.

Does anyone have this working, or perhaps have something similar?

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That’s not possible to do I’m afraid, we don’t have support for 2nd snmp ports which is the first thing blocking any other support for information being added.

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