Port status monitor only


Is there anyway to monitor only port status only?

I think that “ports” poller module must be enabled on device to start monitorizing the port status, but I do not want to graph interface traffic.

Or is there anyway is to disable to port graph polling but keep monitoring por status by default?

Thanks in advance.

I don’t think its possible unless you keep deleting the rrd files, How come you don’t want to graph interface traffic?

I just want to graph the transit ports.

The other ports only want to keep the fdb table and the status to know when an interface goes up and down.

thanks in advance.

Well, there is no way of doing that in librenms. As @chas proposed, you can remove RRDs regularly, but polling of that stats will keep happening

understood. So port status is stored in rrd, isn´t it? I thought that status would be stored in db.
And do i have to enable port traffic graph also to enable fdb?

No, port status is stored in database. Graphs are in rrd.

Lets do a quick explain:

Ports discovery/poller module retrieve both status and traffic.

About FDB, it is retrieved by another module, the fdb-table one.

Probably FDB poller module requires ports module to be enabled as it uses info from ports.

Yes, I have been making some test and It looks like both modules must be enabled… or I am doing something wrong.

Thanks for all.