QNAP storage ID being reassigned

I’m experiencing an issue where one specific QNAP endpoint is having storage IDs reassigned. I pipe LNMS into Grafana, so my dashboard is constantly saying “No Data” for this particular device on mapped network shares that I monitor.

It is an easy but tedious fix:
-Hover mouse over the share in LNMS to show the hyperlink, which includes the “/id=#####/” value.
-Update Grafana dashboard, save & back to normal.

What causes these values to change? The problem appears to be limited to a specific QNAP server since I don’t usually see this problem with other LNMS values that I track.



Component | Version
--------- | -------
LibreNMS  | 24.12.0 (2024-12-17T23:55:13+00:00)
DB Schema | 2024_11_22_135845_alert_log_refactor_indexes (310)
PHP       | 8.2.25
Python    | 3.6.8
Database  | MariaDB 10.3.39-MariaDB
RRDTool   | 1.7.0
SNMP      | 5.8

[OK]    Composer Version: 2.8.4
[OK]    Dependencies up-to-date.
[OK]    Database connection successful
[OK]    Database connection successful
[OK]    Database Schema is current
[OK]    SQL Server meets minimum requirements
[OK]    lower_case_table_names is enabled
[OK]    MySQL engine is optimal
[OK]    Database and column collations are correct
[OK]    Database schema correct
[OK]    MySQL and PHP time match
[OK]    Active pollers found
[OK]    Dispatcher Service not detected
[OK]    Locks are functional
[OK]    Python poller wrapper is polling
[OK]    Redis is unavailable
[OK]    rrd_dir is writable
[OK]    rrdtool version ok

What does event log in Librenms for the device show?

IPv4 address deleted
IPv4 address created
IPv4 address deleted
IPv4 address created

Really weird. This went on daily for about a week. Nothing else in the logs.