I’m working on migration librenms ubuntu 16.04 to ubuntu 18.04 with ± 1200 devices.
For migration, i’ve following link below
I’m following link below for installation librenms on ubuntu 18.04 environment. and I stop at web config section.
db & rrd migration is sucessful, bur when I try to install rrdcached on ubuntu 18.04 environtment the trouble appear
after several hour after rrdcached installation, the poller stop working. the librenms log:
rrdcached status:
memory usage:
and I try to stop rrdcached services, the poller start to poll again
and the swap slowly decreasing
for the rrdcached installation, I follow link below. Because there is no tutorial for ubuntu 18.04 I followed the ubuntu 16.04 version
Any suggestion for this issue?