RRD Folders not getting created

I see that some of this may be related to rrdcached. I do have this running and am at 1.7.2 and may still have the issue. I’ll get some more hardware added this week and update the thread.

Sorry for the delayed response. I wasn’t able to respond yesterday.

My situation is a single server installation (rrdcached is also on the same server).
lnms config:get rrdtool_version returns 1.7.2

Regarding the if-condition in Poller.php Line 281. The values returned from config are:
lnms config:get rrd.enable returns nothing
lnms config:get rrdcached returns unix:/var/run/rrdcached.sock

Please let me know if I still need to dump the variables from the script given this information.

Lastly in /etc/default/rrdcached rrdcached is started with the -R option.

Same problem here. It just suddenly stopped working but I don’t exactly know when as adding new devices isn’t a common occurrence any more, but somewhere in the last month or so.

rrdcached is running with -R, exactly according to the librenms rrdcached manual.
Single server setup.

the rrd.enable also returns nothing for me and rrdcached returns the correct unix socket.


Component Version
LibreNMS 23.9.1-81-ga5198d7d5 (2023-10-12T16:15:03+02:00)
DB Schema 2023_10_07_231037_application_metrics_add_primary_key (262)
PHP 8.1.24
Python 3.6.8
Database MariaDB 10.5.16-MariaDB
RRDTool 1.7.0
SNMP 5.8

I’m having the same problem too. It’s with a new installation (two, actually).
It cocerns a single server installation, rrdcached is also on the same server.

lnms config:get rrdtool_version gives 1.7.0.

With regard to the if-condition in Poller.php Line 281, the values returned from my config are:

lnms config:get rrd.enable returns nothing
lnms config:get rrdcached returns unix:/run/rrdcached.sock

My rrdcached is started as follows

ExecStart=/usr/bin/rrdcached -w 1800 -z 1800 -f 3600 -s librenms -U librenms -G librenms -B -R -j /var/tmp -l unix:/run/rrdcached.sock -t 4 -F -b /opt/librenms/rrd/

So, with the -R parameter. I’m wondering what the idea is behind the rrd.enable; don’t we all want pretty graphs? :slightly_smiling_face: (probably exists for testing code without creating graphs?)

Validation is ok.

Component | Version
--------- | -------
LibreNMS  | 23.9.1-90-g78a4bfb9d (2023-10-14T05:45:03+02:00)
DB Schema | 2023_10_12_184652_bgp_peers_table_unsigned_stats (265)
PHP       | 8.1.24
Python    | 3.6.8
Database  | MariaDB 10.3.39-MariaDB
RRDTool   | 1.7.0
SNMP      | 5.8

If any additional info is needed, I’d be happy to provide it.

Still trying to track down the cause.
It looks like rrdcached is outputing ERROR: realpath(snmpsim/poller-perf-applications.rrd): No such file or directory

When the checkRrdExists() function expects ERROR: snmpsim/poller-perf-applications.rrd: No such file or directory

If I fix the check to handle it, I still get an error during rrdcreate ERROR: realpath(snmpsim/poller-perf-applications.rrd): No such file or directory

Apparently, when you are running rrdtool and rrdcached on the same device for some reason it will not create sub directories. So we need to always make the directory on every poller to avoid this odd behavior.

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I started at a new place and found a librenms instance running already, I added 2 new nodes and ran into this as well, had to manually create the node folders with librenms:librenms 740 owner/permissions to get it to start working. Hardest part was just getting someone who had sudo access to make the folders for me since I didn’t have ssh capabilities :slight_smile:

Sounds like a different problem. Run ./validate.php on that install.

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