Rrdtool permission denied, Ping tab graph

Hi guys,

Running into a permission denied issue again while trying to view smokeping graphs in the Ping tab.

I removed the -B switch in the rrdcached config to allow it to read from multiple dirs.

What I’m seeing now is this:
if the smokeping rrd files have 664 permissions, which seems right, I get the permission denied error when trying to draw the graph.
The normal smokeping web page can draw the graphs fine.

All the rrds belong to the smokeping user and group.
My librenms, www-data and smokeping users all belong to that group, so should have rw access to the files.

Except I get the permission denied error.

However, if I set the permissions to 777 all is fine.
774 gives the permission denied error.
767 gives the permission denied error.

What user is running the rrd command?

I would appreciate any help getting to the bottom of this.


It would be run under the context of the web server. So see either your Apache config or your php-fpm config.

thanks murrant.
I’m using the pre-baked image for Ubuntu, so the page is using nginx I think.
Where do I find the php-fpm config?


Just want to add that the community around this project is really helpful!

Wait, found the fpm config.

Yea it looks like www-data is running stuff. And that user is in the smokeping group.

It’s all a bit odd.


Anyone any ideas?


Directories need to have “Execute” permission on them otherwise the contents cannot be listed.

find /var/lib/smokeping -type d -exec chmod g+x {} \; (or wherever your smokeping directory is)

Thanks @murrant

That put me on the right track.

The command that you provided didn’t change anything,

However your comment about execute permissions made me I realise that if I changed the other permissions to read and exec it might work, and it does.

So the issue is that whatever user is issuing the command loading the graphs when I click the link is not in the smokeping group.

Now sure how to find out what user would be doing this, librenms, www-data and smokeping are all in the correct group.

Any thoughts on how to work that out?

Thanks again