Sensor Dynamic discovery don't adds readed snmp limits

Found possible bug on Dynamic Discovery
Or I not fully understand the logic behind sensor limits.

it seems that snmp sensor limits are not written into database.
instead the calculated values are going into db.

I the example from the sensor sfpDiagRxPower below, the “sensor_limit” got from snmp should be -3 (warn_limit) or -5 (high_limit)
But instead a calculated value of -17.8505 is going int Database.

Dbm: Dynamic Discovery (dbm): Array
[data] => Array
[0] => Array
[oid] => sfpDiagTable
[value] => sfpDiagRxPower
[num_oid] => .
[descr] => SFP {{ $index }} RX Power
[index] => sfpDiagRxPower.{{ $index }}
[low_limit] => sfpDiagRSSIRxPowerAlmLow
[low_warn_limit] => sfpDiagRSSIRxPowerWarnLow
[warn_limit] => sfpDiagRSSIRxPowerWarnHigh
[high_limit] => sfpDiagRSSIRxPowerAlmHigh

        [1] => Array
                [oid] => sfpDiagTable
                [value] => sfpDiagTxPower
                [num_oid] => .
                [descr] => SFP {{ $index }} TX Power
                [index] => sfpDiagTxPower.{{ $index }}
                [low_limit] => sfpDiagRSSITxPowerAlmLow
                [low_warn_limit] => sfpDiagRSSITxPowerWarnLow
                [warn_limit] => sfpDiagRSSITxPowerWarnHigh
                [high_limit] => sfpDiagRSSITxPowerAlmHigh


Data sfpDiagTable: Array
[4353.257] => Array
[sfpDiagLogicalSlot] => 4353
[sfpDiagSfpFaceplateNumber] => 257
[sfpDiagAvailable] => 1
[sfpDiagLOS] => 2
[sfpDiagTxFault] => 2
[sfpDiagTxPower] => -5.90 dBm
[sfpDiagRxPower] => -18.79 dBm
[sfpDiagTxBiasCurrent] => 7.28 mA
[sfpDiagSupplyVoltage] => 3.29 VDC
[sfpDiagTemperature] => 30.97 degrees Celsius
[sfpDiagTCAStatusTemperature] => 2
[sfpDiagTCAStatusVoltage] => 2
[sfpDiagTCAStatusBiasCurrent] => 2
[sfpDiagTCAStatusTxPower] => 2
[sfpDiagTCAStatusRxPower] => 3
[sfpDiagRSSIProfileId] => 65535
[sfpDiagRSSIState] => 1
[sfpDiagRSSIRxPowerAlmLow] => -20.00 dBm
[sfpDiagRSSIRxPowerAlmHigh] => -3.00 dBm
[sfpDiagRSSIRxPowerWarnLow] => -18.01 dBm
[sfpDiagRSSIRxPowerWarnHigh] => -5.00 dBm
[sfpDiagRSSITxPowerAlmLow] => -9.00 dBm
[sfpDiagRSSITxPowerAlmHigh] => -3.00 dBm
[sfpDiagRSSITxPowerWarnLow] => -8.11 dBm
[sfpDiagRSSITxPowerWarnHigh] => -3.90 dBm
[sfpDiagRSSITemperatureAlmLow] => -40.00 degree C
[sfpDiagRSSITemperatureAlmHigh] => 85.00 degree C
[sfpDiagRSSITemperatureWarnLow] => -30.00 degree C
[sfpDiagRSSITemperatureWarnHigh] => 75.00 degree C
[sfpDiagRSSIBiasAlmLow] => 0.00 mA
[sfpDiagRSSIBiasAlmHigh] => 60.00 mA
[sfpDiagRSSIBiasWarnLow] => 0.00 mA
[sfpDiagRSSIBiasWarnHigh] => 50.00 mA
[sfpDiagRSSIVoltageAlmLow] => 2.80 VDC
[sfpDiagRSSIVoltageAlmHigh] => 3.80 VDC
[sfpDiagRSSIVoltageWarnLow] => 2.90 VDC
[sfpDiagRSSIVoltageWarnHigh] => 3.70 VDC
[sfpDiagRSSIExtRxPowerAlmLow] => -40.00 dBm
[sfpDiagRSSIExtRxPowerAlmHigh] => -40.00 dBm
[sfpDiagRSSIExtRxPowerWarnLow] => -40.00 dBm
[sfpDiagRSSIExtRxPowerWarnHigh] => -40.00 dBm
[sfpDiagRSSIExtTxPowerAlmLow] => -40.00 dBm
[sfpDiagRSSIExtTxPowerAlmHigh] => -40.00 dBm
[sfpDiagRSSIExtTxPowerWarnLow] => -40.00 dBm
[sfpDiagRSSIExtTxPowerWarnHigh] => -40.00 dBm
[sfpDiagRSSIExtBiasAlmLow] => 0.00 mA
[sfpDiagRSSIExtBiasAlmHigh] => 0.00 mA
[sfpDiagRSSIExtBiasWarnLow] => 0.00 mA
[sfpDiagRSSIExtBiasWarnHigh] => 0.00 mA
[sfpDiagRSSIExtTemperatureAlmLow] => 0.00 degree C
[sfpDiagRSSIExtTemperatureAlmHigh] => 0.00 degree C
[sfpDiagRSSIExtTemperatureWarnLow] => 0.00 degree C
[sfpDiagRSSIExtTemperatureWarnHigh] => 0.00 degree C

Final sensor value: -18.79
Cur -18.79, Low: -20.00 dBm, Low Warn: -18.01 dBm, Warn: -5.00 dBm, High: -3.00 dBm
Discover sensor: ., sfpDiagRxPower.4353.257, nokia-isam, SFP 4353.257 RX Power, snmp, 1, 1, , -18.79
SQL[SELECT COUNT(sensor_id) FROM sensors WHERE poller_type= ? AND sensor_class = ? AND device_id = ? AND sensor_type = ? AND sensor_index = ? [“snmp”,“dbm”,130,“nokia-isam”,“sfpDiagRxPower.4353.257”] 0.37ms]
SQL[INSERT IGNORE INTO sensors (poller_type,sensor_class,device_id,sensor_oid,sensor_index,sensor_type,sensor_descr,sensor_divisor,sensor_multiplier,sensor_limit,sensor_limit_low,sensor_current) VALUES (:poller_type,:sensor_class,:device_id,:sensor_oid,:sensor_index,:sensor_type,:sensor_descr,:sensor_divisor,:sensor_multiplier,:sensor_limit,:sensor_limit_low,:sensor_current) {“poller_type”:“snmp”,“sensor_class”:“dbm”,“device_id”:130,“sensor_oid”:".",“sensor_index”:“sfpDiagRxPower.4353.257”,“sensor_type”:“nokia-isam”,“sensor_descr”:“SFP 4353.257 RX Power”,“sensor_divisor”:1,“sensor_multiplier”:1,“sensor_limit”:-17.8505,“sensor_limit_low”:-19.7295,“sensor_current”:-18.79} 2.78ms]
( 1308 inserted )
+SQL[INSERT IGNORE INTO eventlog (host,device_id,reference,type,datetime,severity,message,username) VALUES (:host,:device_id,:reference,:type,NOW(),:severity,:message,:username) {“host”:130,“device_id”:130,“reference”:“1308”,“type”:“sensor”,“severity”:3,“message”:“Sensor Added: dbm nokia-isam sfpDiagRxPower.4353.257 SFP 4353.257 RX Power”,“username”:""} 2.72ms]