Tags for creating dissimilar Device Groups - suggestable and formulaic

I have been thinking about tags and did a search first - I was surprised to one from 2016 - I posted there but I don’t think it will get viewed so I am creating new.

Having a complimentary tagging system would be very helpful for grouping disparate devices for alerts. This would allow us to create a group that was “production” that we could then assign to highest priority alerts (wake me up critical) and it could include all the devices that we would have to do a complicated group management role to create (only these servers with only those firewalls, this temp sensor and these two printers… and this thermos). A couple of thoughts:

  • Allow selection non-contiguously in a list of devices to add lots of devices to a TAG
  • Allow tagging when editing a device that suggests in the same manner as “This device depends on:”
  • List tags in the overview screen - maybe under Uptime
  • Allow TAGS to be a pattern for creating Device Groups
  • Allow Alert Rules to Map To a TAG
  • Allow Alert Rules to build against TAGS (i.e. Alert if TAG is .ne. “DevGru”)
  • Maybe allow tags to be assigned to a Port (less useful for me)
  • Allow Maintenance schedule to map to a TAG
  • Allow availability-maps to be created based on TAGS and/or Groups so rather than all device availability, I can have a "Production Availability widget on my main page

In some cases I listed its like a TAG would become an alternate style group, which would eliminate having to group things by TAG then creating a new Managed Group to work against in a Rule or Maint. Schedule.

Happy to test if someone gets excited about making the change.


I second that. :+1: