Traffic Bills disappeared


Component Version
LibreNMS 25.1.0-82-g61efc4511 (2025-02-01T16:08:16-08:00)
DB Schema 2025_01_30_000121_add_ifindex_index_to_ports_table (314)
PHP 8.2.7
Python 3.8.10
Database MariaDB 10.3.39-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.20.04.2
RRDTool 1.7.2
SNMP 5.8

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I turned off because of issue.

All my Traffic Bills disappeared on Feb 1st.
I was able to get current back by updating this line in /opt/librenms/LibreNMS/Billing.php
#return $cur_used / $since * $total;
return ($since == 0) ? 0 : ($cur_used / $since * $total);

But now my previous months Traffic Bills do not appear. I can see the data in the database but neither API or WebUI is showing data.
I don’t know what else to check and really need to get the billing back as we have to show to our end users and billing group for overages.

I was able to get it all working keeping the new line in the Billing.php file I mentioned. I also did an update on O.S. and changed everything over to PHP8.3 from 8.2 which fixed seeing the previous month traffic bills.
So currently it is all running as expected.

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