Two minutes polling ? Or Variable polling?

Is it possible to have polling intervall of 2 minutes? Or is it set to 1 or 5 minutes?

1 minute is good for interfaces statistics, but for sensors, ie dbm on tranceivers, fan speeds etc 5 minutes is enough.

Ideally one would like to have both, 1 min for interface stats and sensors at maybe even 10 minutes polling.


You can have the polling interval you want (if your poller(s) can handle) but you cant have different intervals.

Just check and instead 1min polling, setup 2min, 3min or whatever you want.

Oh ? nice, and the RRD convert script that you need to run , will that work too?

Im currently running at 1 min but that is too often for sensor values.

Yes, the rrd-step script will take the values you have set up for rdd and heartbeat.

Anyways, If you dont mind, why you need ‘less than 5min’ polling? Just curious

Higher resolution then 5 mins average on interface throughput. But Only on specific interfaces though.

I suggest you to also use the fast ping check…