webUI issue

So i have some issues whit the webUI. At this point of time i get “The site can’t be reached” when i try to browse to it.
I ran an validate.php and the outcome is below.

I am stuck, what can be done to resolve the issue? or do i need to reinstall?

Thank you,

Did you try running ./validate.php with your root account?

should be, se below.

sudo /opt/librenms/validate.php

Validate? As root? I’ve never had to do that, everything you need to validate I would think should be available to the librenms user, no?

It looks like the end of composer’s installed.json file got cut off somehow. I’m not sure how that could happen.

So no good fixes? Do i need to reinstall the entire server?

No but your first screen shot shows composer isn’t installed. Try running daily.sh

running daily.sh i get all 7 “green” OK. Ran validate after still shows the same issue

What about after i run the ./validate.php the “DB Schema” and “MySQL” shows questions marks. it feels like it’s more than one issue.

Rebuild the server, quickest solution at this stage…