Acknowledged Alerts appear again after Network interruption

Good day
LibreNMS is working fine so far. All Alerts can be Acked as expected.
But if we have a Network disruption - for Example Firewall reboot or Update - for abaout 30sec all the Acked Alerts are popped up again as new alert.

Is this a normal behavior? Anyone discover the same issue?
How can this be fixed?

LNMS Version: 25.1.0

Best regards

I get the same thing, but don’t know if normal.

Happens for me a lot on remote sites with bad comms - when the polling is interrupted for a period of time, which I guess is similar to a reboot. It appears to clear all the alert acks, and existing active alerts get re-notified (alerted via transport).

For example ports down on a switch we have active alerts for, get sent again - when the state hasn’t change for months, and if acked, that clears.