Add Device Error and No Graph data

I did a fresh install of LibreNMS on Oracle Linux 8 (Centos8) and using PHP 7.4 (instead of 7.3) following the instructions at (

./validate.php shows everything looking good:
[librenms@f1lnms1 ~]$ ./validate.php

Component Version
LibreNMS 21.3.0-46-g10cf97e58
DB Schema 2021_03_26_014054_change_cache_to_mediumtext (205)
PHP 7.4.6
Python 3.6.8
MySQL 10.3.27-MariaDB
RRDTool 1.7.0


[OK] Composer Version: 2.0.11
[OK] Dependencies up-to-date.
[OK] Database connection successful
[OK] Database schema correct

When I add a device I receive the error: Missing required parameter for [Route: device] [URI: device/{device}/{tab?}/{vars?}] [Missing parameter: device].

The device is added and SNMPP information is populated - CPU, Interfaces, etc.
Graphs are created, but contain no data.

Any help is greatly appreciated!


Did a clean install with PHP 7.3, still get the error when adding a device:
[Route: device] [URI: device/{device}/{tab?}/{vars?}] [Missing parameter: device].

Polling is working, graphs are generating, and they contain data

Hi Guys.
I have the same error, I attach a screenshot for the error.
The device was added, but the error exist.

Best Regards.


Component Version
LibreNMS 21.3.0-44-g422d1195c
DB Schema 2021_02_09_122930_migrate_to_utf8mb4 (205)
Python 3.6.9
MySQL 10.5.9-MariaDB-1:10.5.9+maria~bionic
RRDTool 1.7.0

[OK] Composer Version: 2.0.11
[OK] Dependencies up-to-date.
[OK] Database connection successful
[OK] Database schema correct

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