Add mib for new device

Hi folks,

Im new on LibreNMS SNMP monitoring system. I worked with PRTG SNMP system and now I switched over LibreNMS, Can someone help me with some device that LibreNMS recognize as generic device? There is an example on LibreNMS installation docs but no success till now. I need to monitor Ericsson RX8000 device Input/Output video/audio signals, etc. I have all the mib from the device and if someone can help me I will appreciate.


Hi Andi,

You should start here ->

Take into account that the new-os scripts is ALPHA and only works on perfectly implemented mibs.

If the script doesnt works, you must create the definitions manually.

Hope that helps

Hi TheGreatDoc,

I try it that before but no success till now. :neutral_face::neutral_face:. There is not a more simple way to do this??



The YAML files are the easiest way of doing it, and you have examples in the documentation. It scales well to different devices that are following the same MIB (and of course, considering that the vendor did write the mib correctly).
You should start that way, and open a pull request on GitHub so we can see where you are, and help you in case necessary

Thank you Pipo Canaja. I will try to make a yaml first and test it.



As you see on the documentation, you need write some new files and make some tests to fine tune the correct configuration.
It is really appreciated, once successfully added new OS, to share your implementation updating github project. In this way you will leave your contribution and your LibreNMS installation will be always updated and aligned.

I suggest you to use a test VM with a LibreNMS installation, and when you are satisfied of your work, just put files on github.


Hi Corsobaster,

I will try to make some new file and test them. As far as I have something good I will share my implementation.



Hello guys, Here in Brazil we have a manufacturer of devices for FTTH. So Iā€™m having trouble inserting the mibs to monitor these devices that are very important to me. If anyone can help me follow the information about the devices.

Hi @mrmarcio31rs

All the details are in this post to get started. You have docs, you can check the existing YAML file description, and of course submit your PR in github so we can see your code and help you improve it.