Add RoomAlert 12S

SNMP Walk does not include everything in MIBs file (assuming because not all addon devices are connected). Device does not show network activity like other RA devices do (3E for example)

MIB Contents here: ----defines ROOMALERT12S-MIB for SNMP agent extension of Room Alert 12S--Con -

Bumping this as well. Thank you!


I dont even get temperature graphs. unless I do custom OID’s.

No definition for 12s in the avtech.yaml

Incase you havent found a workaround

  1. make sure your <librenms_home>/includes/definitions/avtech.yaml is set to the most recent out of the box config
  2. edit <librenms_home>/includes/definitions/discovery/avtech.yaml
        sysDescr_regex: '/(?<hardware>.*) v(?<version>[\d.]+)/'
                divisor: 100
                multiplier: 1
                skip_values: 0
                - # RoomAlert 12S internal
                    oid: .
                    num_oid: '.{{ $index }}'
                    index: 0
                    descr: .
                - # RoomAlert 12S sen1
                    oid: .
                    num_oid: '.{{ $index }}'
                    index: 1
                    descr: .
                - # RoomAlert 12S sen2
                    oid: .
                    num_oid: '.{{ $index }}'
                    index: 2
                    descr: .
                divisor: 100
                - # RoomAlert 12S sen1
                    oid: .
                    num_oid: '.{{ $index }}'
                    index: 1
                    descr: .
                - # RoomAlert 12S sen2
                    oid: .
                    num_oid: '.{{ $index }}'
                    index: 2
                    descr: .

You can remove any of the other models or clean it up if you only have 12s.
This will get you the temp graphs in C. you could use one of the other OID’s and it will show in Farenheit but the unit attached to metric will be C.

I havent worked the power portion yet, I dont currently capture voltage, but if you do you can provide the snmpwalk and ill take a stab.

Not much value in graphing the power state. So I am not going to add to the other sensor attributes atm.

See the 3rd link in my initial post. That should be what you need. If not, let me know! Thank you again btw!

Thanx for starting to fix this DeviceRequest. But instead of posting the code here, feel free to open a Pull Request, so we can help you; and merge your YAML code to LibreNMS when done, for all to enjoy your fix.