Add temperature for CoreELEC devices


I have some CoreELEC device and have installed SNMP addon to check the status.

But there is no temperature information available in LibreNMS. There is a temperature script line in snmpd configuration:

cat /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/

com2sec local default libreelec
group localgroup v2c local
access localgroup “” any noauth exact all all none
view all included .1 80
syslocation HOME
syscontact root@localhost
dontLogTCPWrappersConnects yes
extend cputemp “/usr/bin/cputemp”


64 C

Is it possible to add temperature support for this device?

This is the snmpwalk:

snmpwalk -v2c -c libreelec x96max | pastebinit

Thanks for your help.
