Adding Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS to LibreNMS for monitoring

Hi All,

I set up LibreNMS successfully, I also added the localhost and four (4) Cisco Switches and one (1) Cisco Router successfully. The only issue I am having is adding a server running Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS. I have followed a few tutorials online but failed. Below is my /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf file.


rocommunity public
syslocation “NISIR, KKIA Road, Lusaka, ”
syscontact [email protected]


Is there anything I am missing?

That dosnt look right use this doc

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Hi Kevin,

The page was no found, kindly check and repost the link

For some reason your web browser is changing the link address.

Anyway, in the docs look at Getting Help → SNMP-Configuration-Examples

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Hi, I did as asked but the device can not be added still. Do you think the port 161 is blocked on the server in question?

possible, check the firewall on both servers.

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Hi Kevin,
Since I was able to add other devices. I went straight to stopping firewalld and ufw service on the server (client) I needed to monitor. and the device what added successfully. I’m new to linux, now to figure out how to allow port 161 traffic.

Thank you.

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