Aggregate traffic with two fields

Hi folks!

Is it possible to create an aggregate graph using two field as filters? I see we can have graphs with two interface types, transit and peering is already there, but what I’m searching is to create an aggregate with type transit and - for example - the note field containing some information. I would probably use note field as the DC acronym, so it’ll be a couple of characters.

I tried to put a & in the URL like type=transit&note=CEN, but doesn’t work.

Any idea how can I do it?

Thanks for your help!

On the dashboard, select manual ports for the graph type and select all the graphs you want. (you can check the url of that graph if you want to access it directly)
Also, check if you would like to make a graph like the transit graph.

Hi @murrant and thanks for your reply.

I didn’t notice the manual ports graph in the dashboard before, it should work. It’s not so clean as tagging the interface (as transit, peering, etc.) but it’s doable.

One problem, when I tried to create de graph it didn’t work, the RRD output show something like this:

RRDTool Output

ERROR: absolute path names not allowed when talking to a remote daemon

Any idea how can I make it work?


The docs I linked shows you how to do the tagging style.

Re-read the rrdcached docs and double check your config.

Thanks for your help @murrant.

I’ve been reading the docs regarding description parse for a while before posting the question here. I’ve also managed to create a custom parse, discarding some tags other area in the company use.

About the rrdcached misconfiguration you mention, it’s possible that something should be missing, but I’m not sure because I’m using librenms docker, so I didn’t configure the rrdcached docker, it’s the one the docker-compose use. I simple disabled the smtp docker.

I believe that there is no way to use two different tags do create a graph (iftype and ifnote), probably I’ll need to create different tags for different DC, e.g. transit-dc1, transit-dc2 etc, ans then create a custom menu entry with using those tags with an aggregate graph.

I thank your for your time and attention.