Alarm recovery - elapsed time error

Hi all

just to share with you this anomaly and try to understand why it happens.
Today we received the following alarm and recovery notifications:

Alert for device edge-01-678-PING - Network Device Up/Down
Severity: critical
Timestamp: 2022-09-28 00:57:15
Unique-ID: 3024
Rule: Network Device Up/Down Faults:
*#1: location_id = 3; override_sysLocation = 1; *
Device edge-01-678-PING recovered from Network Device Up/Down
Severity: critical
Time elapsed: 1h 55m 57s Timestamp: 2022-09-28 01:52:12
Unique-ID: 3025
Rule: Network Device Up/Down Faults:
*#1: location_id => 3; override_sysLocation => 1; *

Everything seems to be ok, with this exception:
if you look at the timestamp of both the notifications you can see that the outage was less than 1h (confirmed also by other ways),
but in the recovery message there is this row " Time elapsed: 1h 55m 57s "

Why there is this great time mismatch ?
Can someone help me to understand if something is misconfigured or we’re facing an issue ?
Thanks a lot, kind regards

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