Alcatel Lucent Enterprise switches Support

Alcatel Lucent Enterprise Switches like 6900-T40,6900-X72 and 6800 doesn’t have support for power suply and fan.
And have a problem in core module because it have word ‘Enterprise’ and other Alcatel doen’t have.

Pastebin of 6900 (two switches in one chassis).

Pastebin of 6800 (one switch)

We have an icinga 2 check script that checks status of that PowerSuplly parts.

snmpwalk -IR -v 2c -c “XXXX” -m ALCATEL-ENT1-CHASSIS-MIB “DEVICE” chasEntPhysOperStatus.275

Info that can be usefull (This device have two switches in one virtual chassis):

ALCATEL-ENT1-CHASSIS-MIB::chasEntPhysPowerType.275 = INTEGER: ac(1)
ALCATEL-ENT1-CHASSIS-MIB::chasEntPhysPowerType.276 = INTEGER: ac(1)
ALCATEL-ENT1-CHASSIS-MIB::chasEntPhysPowerType.277 = INTEGER: ac(1)
ALCATEL-ENT1-CHASSIS-MIB::chasEntPhysAdminStatus.275 = INTEGER: powerOn(3)

ALCATEL-ENT1-CHASSIS-MIB::chasEntPhysOperStatus.275 = INTEGER: up(1)

ALCATEL-ENT1-CHASSIS-MIB::chasEntPhysPower.275 = INTEGER: 450

For Fans
ALCATEL-ENT1-CHASSIS-MIB::alaChasEntPhysFanStatus.451.1 = INTEGER: running(2)

ALCATEL-ENT1-CHASSIS-MIB::alaChasEntPhysFanStatus.451.4 = INTEGER: running(2)
ALCATEL-ENT1-CHASSIS-MIB::alaChasEntPhysFanStatus.452.1 = INTEGER: running(2)

ALCATEL-ENT1-CHASSIS-MIB::alaChasEntPhysFanAirflow.451.1 = INTEGER: frontToRear(0)

ALCATEL-ENT1-CHASSIS-MIB::alaChasEntPhysFanSpeed.451.1 = Gauge32: 8157 rpm

Hi @joseUPV

You have two options:

A) Try to do it yourself. For what you want. At least for power should be “easy”. For fans you have to do with php as LibreNMS yaml parser doesnt like double indexes.

B) Open an issue in github with the required info and wait for someone to do it.

Remember this is a community project, option B could take a while.