Hello, I searched in the FAQ and in the documents provided by LibreNMS but I didn’t found what I want. So I want to create an alert rule for CPU usage and memory too if they are equal to or greater then 80% but only send an email if this rule it’s true for 5 minutes. Like if it’s equal or greater then 80% during 5 minutes, send an email, else if it’s just 2 minutes, don’t send an email.
I know how to send an email, I know how to do the rules for cpu if it’s equal or greater, but what it’s missing is the 5 minutes.
I looked how the macros “macros.past_5m” work, but it doesn’t send me anything : eventlog.timestamp = macros.past_5m
I also do override SQL like so :
SELECT * FROM WHERE (devices.device_id = ?) AND (DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL 5 MINUTE)) = processors.processor_usage >= "80
And when I look into “capture debug information” of my device it says “matches” but it didn’t send me an email or an alert.
I’m new with it, I really appreciate your help. Also sorry if my english is not good.
I made some mistakes in the alert like there is no “s” at the end of “timestamp” and also “timestamp” is not a type,sorry I am still trying to understand. I’m now testing to make an alert just for when the memory or the cpu is gonna reach the 80% and with these alert, I’m gonna use the timestamp in the eventlog of the device and use the macros.
Sometimes, the CPU or the memory only reach over the 80% for one minute or less when we open an application for example and it send me an email everytimes. I only want an alert (and an email) when it reach 80% or greater for 5 minute or more. Thanks you
I was thinking about it but, if I put the delay to 5 minutes and the rules match, does it recheck before sending an emails? Or it’s just waiting 5 minutes without rechecking to send an email. I also saw a topic that saying it didn’t recheck :
And it depends on the poller too. Or maybe I don’t really understand what they were saying.