Alert rula fail

Hi Everybody.

I have tried set a new high traffic rule on interfaces with macros.port_in_usage_perc great 95 percent.
After that I got a alarm from one of my cisco c2960x device. The affected sys Object ID is . ifDesc Vlan1 . When I try to connect via snmp-get command I got this.

iso. = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID

Librenms detail log said this

“device_id”: 6,
“inserted”: “2020-07-20 16:06:35”,
“hostname”: “s-xxxxxx”,
“sysName”: “s-xxxxxx”,
“display”: null,
“ip”: “x.x.x.x”,
“overwrite_ip”: null,
“community”: “pwd”,
“authlevel”: null,
“authname”: null,
“authpass”: null,
“authalgo”: null,
“cryptopass”: null,
“cryptoalgo”: null,
“snmpver”: “v2c”,
“port”: 161,
“transport”: “udp”,
“timeout”: null,
“retries”: null,
“snmp_disable”: 0,
“bgpLocalAs”: null,
“sysObjectID”: “.”,
“sysDescr”: “Cisco IOS Software, C2960X Software (C2960X-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 15.2(2)E7, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc3)\r\nTechnical Support:\r\nCopyright (c) 1986-2017 by Cisco Systems, Inc.\r\nCompiled Wed 12-Jul-17 13:06 by prod_rel_team”,
“sysContact”: null,
“version”: “15.2(2)E7”,
“hardware”: “WS-C2960X-24TS-L”,
“features”: “UNIVERSALK9”,
“location_id”: 9,
“os”: “ios”,
“status”: 1,
“status_reason”: “”,
“ignore”: 0,
“disabled”: 0,
“uptime”: 57355490,
“agent_uptime”: 0,
“last_polled”: “2022-05-11 08:12:34”,
“last_poll_attempted”: null,
“last_polled_timetaken”: 30.26,
“last_discovered_timetaken”: 55.66,
“last_discovered”: “2022-05-11 06:38:44”,
“last_ping”: “2021-10-05 00:15:21”,
“last_ping_timetaken”: 0.79,
“purpose”: null,
“type”: “network”,
“serial”: “FCW2324B0MA”,
“icon”: “cisco.svg”,
“poller_group”: 0,
“override_sysLocation”: 0,
“notes”: null,
“port_association_mode”: 1,
“max_depth”: 0,
“disable_notify”: 0,
“port_id”: 161,
“port_descr_type”: null,
“port_descr_descr”: null,
“port_descr_circuit”: null,
“port_descr_speed”: null,
“port_descr_notes”: null,
“ifDescr”: “Vlan1”,
“ifName”: “Vl1”,
“portName”: null,
“ifIndex”: 1,
“ifSpeed”: 1000000000,
“ifSpeed_prev”: 1000000000,
“ifConnectorPresent”: “false”,
“ifPromiscuousMode”: “false”,
“ifOperStatus”: “down”,
“ifOperStatus_prev”: “down”,
“ifAdminStatus”: “down”,
“ifAdminStatus_prev”: “down”,
“ifDuplex”: null,
“ifMtu”: 1500,
“ifType”: “propVirtual”,
“ifAlias”: “Vlan1”,
“ifPhysAddress”: “308bb22761c0”,
“ifHardType”: null,
“ifLastChange”: 7428,
“ifVlan”: “”,
“ifTrunk”: null,
“ifVrf”: 0,
“counter_in”: null,
“counter_out”: null,
“detailed”: 0,
“deleted”: 0,
“pagpOperationMode”: null,
“pagpPortState”: null,
“pagpPartnerDeviceId”: null,
“pagpPartnerLearnMethod”: null,
“pagpPartnerIfIndex”: null,
“pagpPartnerGroupIfIndex”: null,
“pagpPartnerDeviceName”: null,
“pagpEthcOperationMode”: null,
“pagpDeviceId”: null,
“pagpGroupIfIndex”: null,
“ifInUcastPkts”: 1268401418,
“ifInUcastPkts_prev”: 0,
“ifInUcastPkts_delta”: 1268401418,
“ifInUcastPkts_rate”: 8027857,
“ifOutUcastPkts”: 0,
“ifOutUcastPkts_prev”: 0,
“ifOutUcastPkts_delta”: 0,
“ifOutUcastPkts_rate”: 0,
“ifInErrors”: 0,
“ifInErrors_prev”: 0,
“ifInErrors_delta”: 0,
“ifInErrors_rate”: 0,
“ifOutErrors”: 0,
“ifOutErrors_prev”: 0,
“ifOutErrors_delta”: 0,
“ifOutErrors_rate”: 0,
“ifInOctets”: 696110782316,
“ifInOctets_prev”: 0,
“ifInOctets_delta”: 696110782316,
“ifInOctets_rate”: 4405764445,
“ifOutOctets”: 0,
“ifOutOctets_prev”: 0,
“ifOutOctets_delta”: 0,
“ifOutOctets_rate”: 0,
“poll_time”: 1652249538,
“poll_prev”: 1652249478,
“poll_period”: null

I see this on port-channel interface.

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